Discussion: McCarthy Awkwardly Answers Fox News' Questions About The Benghazi 'Gaffe'

The Congressman doth protest too much, methinks.

The Speaker needs to be removed from the Presidential Succession Act. Was only put in the succession during Truman’s Presidency. Good reason then - Truman had no Vice President and there was no constitutional way to confirm a new Veep. Once the 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967, there ceased to be a need for the Speaker (or the President Pro-Tem of the Senate) to be in the succession.


Of course he was stumbling. He was caught in a Truth, something strange and alien for a Republican pol.


does this guy have some kind of learning disability… those clips of him presumably reading note cards but stumbling over the sentence structure/words was weird… and that ‘untrustable’ … i’ve never heard that used before (although it is a word).
i can’t imagine he makes it to speaker – unless they have someone shadowing him at all times to intervene. the scrambling behind the scenes must be entertaining as hell.

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Cheat and retreat, ya wingnut stumblebum ya.


He knew how to say Poland. Didn’t forget it.

Typical republican.

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Isn’t it telling that speaking truth is a “gaffe” to republicans?

Exactly. I’ve watched this guy a couple of times. He cannot string correct words together into a coherent sentence - even when he’s reading from a prepared text. I have noticed that all of the Speakers of the House in my lifetime have been called upon to take part in interviews, and speak to the media and the American/World public. And he’s going to be the new (non-orange) face of the Republican Congress?


Every state has their share of dumbassery. It’s just that some make it a feature while other see it as … well …you know.

With Trump’s lawyer…

sooo…this is what passes for speaker material in the GOP, does it…

alright then


Bakersfield where Kevin McCarthy got the post office renamed after a guy on Hee Haw.


Mel Tillis stuttered something awful ---- But when he sang, the stutter disappeared — Maybe McCarthy should try singing all his speaches and interviews — " The Singing Speaker" !

   ( can you even imagine it ? )

Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, Kevin. Can’t un-ring that bell.
Maybe if he says it enough times, people will believe him when he says it’s not political. Gowdy’s slow walking it has nothing to do with presidential candidate Clinton. And so it goes.

we know the truth but facts never matter with republicans

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Or they could just change the title of the position —

                   The Tongue-Tieder of the House

They seem to have suddenly realized that they are utterly and totally screwed.

It doesn’t matter what they say now. As far as the press is concerned, the GOP has admitted that the investigation was a politically motivated fraud. And that goes for the fake email scandal as well.

Any attempt to raise either is going to get slapped back with a pointer to the admission that the investigation is politically motivated.

The GOP can deny McCarthy the speaker’s gavel. But they can’t put this toothpaste back in the tube.


Exactly, remember in 2012 when anti-tax ideologue lobbyist Grover Norquist said they didn’t want leadership in a president, only someone “with enough digits to sign the Paul Ryan budget”?


McCarthy is a buffoon … like a wet bundle of rags keeping a sewer pipe blocked. Forget the plug, let the raw sewage show itself … give Scalese the Speakership. Show what the GOP is really made of.