Discussion: McCarthy Awkwardly Answers Fox News' Questions About The Benghazi 'Gaffe'


Maybe the family migrated from Texas or Oklahoma during the Thirties

He’s a native Californian, represents Bakersfield in CA’s Central Valley which is farm country, but he’s dumbass enough to be a Texan (advance apologies to all the good folks from Texas).


Note: he’s from Bakersfield, California, not Texas.
Conservative stronghold in California.


SSsssomebody is having issues with the croutons in their word-salad!!



I think the Democrats need to start a “non-political” investigation of the Benghazi investigation to determine whether the Benghazi investigation was and is in fact politically motivated. Let’s subpoena McCarthy’s emails and see what they have to say about the Benghazi investigation.


It’s a fact that he reads other than what’s on the printed page and that sounds like symptoms of dyslexia.


If you all want to have a good laugh (sad though it may be) Rachel put together a few pieces from some of his statements

I am sure you will enjoy


You say ‘Potato,’ I say Potahto’

English, clearly not his first language.

I get that. It’s the Hungria I don’t understand.

Is his memory affected, too?

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Are there any qualified Republicans? On the basis of who they are running for President the answer to that would be a clear no.

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Teapublicans don’t speak English; they speak 'Murkan. English is for those 'leetists.


He’s a dumb ass Californian!

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A regular silver-tongued debil, that guy.

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It was “Hungary” on the printed page, but yet he saw “Hungria”, which is as funny as hell. It’s what dyslexics do, the letters in front of them rearrange themselves.

Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, “sounding out” words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what one reads.

He can’t read, he can’t pronounce words correctly and probably doesn’t understand what he’s saying, so let’s elevate him to two heartbeats away from the presidency.


It’s over for “Benghazi!” and it is also over for the ‘scandal’ of the email. You lose, GOPers, because you are rather stupid for the powerful positions you hold.


He cannot handle the FOX softball questions? How can be stand up to the TEA party or kindergartners who might want to ask him questions?


thanks, kevin for clearing all that up. you told the truth to begin with. that played like crap. now you are in full blown, prevaricating, weasel mode. in other words, you are back in your comfort zone.

The Rs are going to try to justify Dim Bulb’s honesty in a million ways, but what’s left is that the email dust up is too complicated for people to wrap their heads around it and what and why she did whatever it was they said she did, but political motivation is simple to understand. She and her advisers can push back very easily beginning with “We told you so.”


Texas or not, any excuse to quote the late, great, Molly Ivins elicits an up-vote from me.


All I have to say to McCarthy being Speaker of the House, is please proceed Republicans. He’s your fool. Stand by him at your risk.

Pray that nothing happens to number 1 and 2 so this man would become President because we would all be in a world of hurt.

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