Now look here, pencilpusher. You are talking about the renaming of the Oildale Post Office to The Buck Owens Post Office (HR 1384), Kev’s signature piece of legislation.
We should have a Benghazi select committee to investigate all the other Benghazi committees, how much money they wasted, how many lies they told, how often they back tracked, and whether there is any future for Republicans.
O dear. Now look what Republicans have wrought from their pig iron stock.
A Peter Principle Prince.
I like “useful idiot,” a term reportedly coined by Lenin.
Funnier than his “gaffe,” were the statements Rachel Maddow featured that showed the man to be a semi-literate.
He sounded like some jr high school kid trying to sound “smart”.
McCarthy stumbled along because he was afraid of telling the truth again.
Even Redstate realizes he would be a disaster
…McCarthy said. “And you know what? Sometimes truth comes out, and other manners, and let’s not let politics hold that back.”
Yes it does…yes it does…
You won’t see this as speaker of the house, you’ll see much worse and there will be no apologies!
The dumbing down of America is being led by the Republican leaders. This McCarthy dude is almost reinventing the English language. He is managing to make George the Dumber seem smart and the evil one from Alaska come off as silver tongued.
They will never be able to hide this degree of ignorance and McCarthy will continue to embarrass the Republicans just as he has with this Ben Ghazi slip as long as they allow him to talk. Which, as ‘Speaker’ is pretty much his main job to be.
The Republicans have a knack for always picking the exact wrong person for he job. Obviously a puppet is the goal.
Kevin obviously had Sarah Palin as an English teacher at some point in his life!
And your point is. Have you read the NYT groundless hit attacks on Hillary? At this point I am not sure the RNC election machine doesn’t own the entire press lock, stock and barrel.
He’s a corporatist dream, people anywhere else, not so much.
Yes, I saw that too. His syntax, choice of words…heck all of it was weird. Wonder if he was home schooled? You’d think a person who had spent a majority of his life in the public arena could at least speak more eloquently (like a lot!). While not quite up to Sarah Palin’s word-salad slaying of the language, his inarticulateness in some many ways smacks of not only a poor intellect, but perhaps some mental defect, which isn’t funny.
Still, even among his cohorts, they must wince when speaks, knowing he’ll be mixing things up. A perfect “Speaker” for the pubs, therefore!
I think it’s awful how the networks and Republicans are exploiting the Oregon shootings to obscure the McCarthy gaffe.
Apparently it’s considered a gaffe if a TeaPub speaks a truth…
Kevin McCarthy said "Now, I did not imply in any way that that work is political, of course it is not. Look at the way they have carried themselves out."He added: “That committee is solely to get the truth out, but it happened within the truth you found out about a server,”
Kevin McCarthy seems to be able to read and write at a fifth grade level. I am wondering whether or not this level of competence in reading and in written English is sufficient for legislating?
George Bush the Dimmer summarized my predicament best “Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?”
Actually, that would have been much smoother. This was more like, “Fucked up. Truth out slips. Jeebus let save”
Knew he was bad at math from all the screw ups miscounting votes for Boehner, but turns out he can’t talk either. This doofus fits the “all stupid people are conservative” part of J.M. Stewart’s definition of the con crowd. Much as I’d like to make fun of such a Repugnant Speaker, he’s just too dangerously dumb to be third in line for the presidency.
What a moron.
It’s time for a Special Prosecutor.