Discussion: McCain: White House Scandals Are Hitting 'Watergate Size And Scale' (VIDEO)

And bonus points, we know he can talk. :smirk:


Keep in mind that the “law and order” party (GOP) gave us Nixon and Trump. Anyone see a pattern here?



“Don’t shoot!”


Unfortunately (for them) their party is a coalition, and the Angry Redneck block will explode in anger when Trump goes down, taking their majority with them. Bad News, Bigly - SAD!!

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Not to mention they’re the party of grownups.

They’re terrified of losing his voters as they need them to get into office. The problem with the GOP is that have used the Boomer population as a crutch for decades, pandering exclusively to old white men to keep in office because the Boomer block would theoretically keep them in office for decade… However, the last ten years have brought with them a recoking: that the swell of minorities, immigrants, and women are now outnumbering the Boomers who are now starting to die off. The Reps have nothing left except to pander to a bunch of backward, podunk, racist losers in order to stay in office because the cities are almost universally liberal and the centers of industry, culture, and capital while the heartland is now just a wasteland. They deserve every bit of misery they’ve attained

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Yes. Cut through his word salad and it seems his point is that the reason this is bad for America is that it may keep repugs from getting reelected in 2018.


I guess having the new scandal drop during the evening meeting to discuss the current day’s scandals was enough to push a few over the edge…

Well, at least Pappy Nomind has finally started mentioning the dreaded ‘Watergate’ word, and not to make a pithy revision based on the current scandal. Thankfully, Trump still has McConnell and Ryan as his apologists and gatekeepers.

That might be tolerable if they hadn’t meanwhile broken the ACA.

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Also W and Cheney.

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Country first! Or, in this case, fourth or fifth, as in fourth or fifth revelations of abuse of power.

Didn;t take half a year for this egomaniac to hit Watergate territory;

There’s also the possibility not even being discussed yet of him running for the senate from California in 2018 if and when our senior senator retires. And no, this is not an invitation to riff on the pros and cons of the woman.



So far Trump has only killed a few Americans, when his inability to perform the duties of the office result in 100s or 1000s of Americans being killed, then the GOP will act…assuming they got some tax cuts through.

He’s a useful way to check which way the wind is blowing. Senator weather vane.

but still too soon to know if an investigation is needed says senator maverick, wringing his hands and making his best serious face

My - perhaps overly charitable, I realize - is that he is trying to bring along some of his reluctant R brethren with him, and to speak in their terms. We are certainly not his audience.

Yeah, he’s just triangulating his next faint to the left.