But when asked if he would launch a probe into the matter as chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, McCain said that he would first like all the information Congress “deserves and needs” before deciding whether to move forward with an investigation.
In other words, no. John McCain is and always has been a paper tiger…
If the phrase “American interests” was followed by the names of the companies whose stakes our troops are “protecting,” Americans would have a very different take on what “our” interests are.
February 2002: Former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson travels to Niger at the CIA’s request to check for evidence that Iraq bought uranium “yellowcake” from the African country that could be used for production of a nuclear weapon.
Jan. 28, 2003: President Bush delivers his State of the Union address. In the speech he includes the following sentence: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” Those 16 words contradicted what Wilson had reported upon his return from Niger to check out the claim. Months later they would be retracted by the White House.
I liked what McCain said to Doocy (and sometimes a name just fits the man): It’s a little too early to say in the favored passive voice he will be missed, but maybe he will.
“Why would you say something that stupid? Why would you ask something that dumb? Huh? My job as a United States senator, is a senator from Arizona, which I was just reelected to. You mean that I am somehow going to behave in a way that I’m going to block everything because of some personal disagreement? That’s a dumb question.”
Just a coincidence that right after Niger signs a defense pact with Russia and Russian soldiers have landed that four Americans are mysteriously killed in a firefight that Trump won’t elaborate on? Did he loan US Special Ops soldiers out to Russian forces in Niger? Many unanswered questions about Trump’s Benghazi.
If he does, and the media or a Dem calls him on it, the She Huck will chastise us for politicizing the dead soldiers.
I can pronounce the country’s name correctly, but I refuse to be so purist as to lose the famous limerick that has always made me smile. Long live NYE-jur.
There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a Tiger;
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the Tiger.
McCain Says Trump Admin Isn’t Being Upfront With Congress On Niger Attack
Is the penultimate word of the headline missing a second g? A whole article could easily be written about that kind of attack from Chiselin’ Trump’s administration, too.
Also, why am I reading about this in Esquire? I swear one of the things that has caught me completely off guard with this administration is the critical and thoughtful articles I see coming out of what I’d consider entertainment magazines since tRump entered office. Especially Teen Vogue, really, Teen Vogue.
To be fair, Daily News is a little late to the party and showing itself to be one of the dimmer bulbs on the journalism tree if it still has to ask that question.
I wonder if there is a connection between the Niger ambush and Jared Kushner’s business partner Steinmetz’ African mining operations? Could those Green Berets have been deployed as mercenaries? Would go a long way towards explaining Trump’s frantic deflection attempts.