Well, well, well…the proverbial shytabout2hitthefan…can’t wait…nothing like terminal cancer to eschew duplicitous behavior…there are simply zero EFF’s to give…
Actually, I think he just fades in and out from time to time.
Good primer here:
Out of respect, for the dead, we must not politicize this tragedy, etc.
Not holding my breath.
Donald Trump and his administration literally ignores previous requirements.
He IS ignoring requests for information for the on investigation of Russia and collusion, he doesn’t declare executive privilege, HE just ignores the requests.
His practice of just ignoring business is appalling. What did he do in regards to our fallen soldiers? He ignored their very existence, he even ignored a statement that had been prepared for his reading.
My point is he’ll ignore John as well.
Our Congress literally ignores everything he does wrong, which is JUST ABOUT EVERTHING. His below standard behavior is in part their fault. You want to know how Hitler happened, or how Putin came to power…Well this is HOW.
There’s no doubt in my mind, that if he were told ‘YOU’RE FIRED’ get out of the white ouse he wouldn’t leave, he’ll have to be removed physically. Here’s hoping there a camera close by to catch this glorious moment, WE’LL CELEBRATE IN THE SHREETSL
While in the same breath, kneeling is failing to support the troops?
We apparently can’t do two things at once, I guess…
Yes, a world where genuflecting is disrespectful is not a world I know. These people are shameless and ignorant.
From current accounts, there were 8-12 American special forces with 50-80 Nigerien troops in an unarmored vehicle(s) well north of Niamey and near the border with Mali. Two additional Americans were badly wounded by gunfire, rather than explosives. The attack has been linked to a Daesh-affiliated outfit, although how closely entangled the two groups are isn’t clear. Remember that much of Mali was overrun by thugs, many of whom lost their source of patronage when Gaddafi was ousted.
It makes me laugh to think of Trump talking about Niger, which, if he does long enough, will inevitably mispronounce. As if he knows what these soldiers were doing there besides being amazing and fantastic.
And do not forget, these are Trump’s generals (his constant statement, “my generals”). So are these guys mercenaries or are they generals in the service of the USA?
OK look, as long as we’re posting Charles Laughton clips, let’s not forget the one most relevant to our current situation and occupant:
Oh dear…Trump not being up front about something? What shall we do about this totally new circumstance. I know…why don’t you ignore it like the 147832 previous times…you maverick you.
Benghazi! Benghazi! No wait…
Hmmm…do I smell a “Banghazi” -like coverup but this time it’s truly a coverup?
Sid, along with too many others, know what took place. Too many knew the truth (at least) 10 days ago. Their silence equals complicity. Period.
Fuck You, Sid McCrashcup!
Also too…
Hey, remember when Obama correctly pronouncing Pakistan was considered “elitist”? Tramp mispronouncing Niger will play perfectly to his base.
Informative article, but again, “Why are we there?” What American interests are at stake?