Discussion: McCain Says Trump Admin Isn't Being Upfront With Congress On Niger Attack

Don’t forget that Chad was participating in these maneuvers and offenses. That is, until Donald put their country on his latest attempt for a travel ban. They promptly announced they are ceasing all cooperative military action in the reason.

If/when the press starts digging on the actual story, its going to a disastrous mess from the tactical all the way up to the strategic.

Thus…nobody wants to talk about it.


I was looking at statistics about Niger and neighboring countries. Pretty bleak conditions for a lot of people.


So did I (but I didn’t want to admit that I’m that clueless.)


Shhhhh …

" MAKE-UP " …

and … "ROLL-EM " !

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Poorly identified mission, bad intelligence, inadequate human or materiel support, avoidable loss of US lives, and cover-up afterwards. It’s EVERYTHING the Republicans howled about Benghazi. Where’s the investigation? Where’s the outrage? Are you telling me that Republicans are complete hypocrites?

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When I read Robert Bateman’s piece and saw that Staff Sgt Jeremiah Johnson’s military occupation was “74D,” a nuclear specialist, the word “yellowcake” flooded back into my mind next to “Niger.”

I don’t know anything about anything, but if Niger is suspected to be a place from which uranium is smuggled (even if the particulars of Powell’s UN speech were a lie), then it would make a hell of a lot of sense that we had always had some guys on the ground there, making sure nothing finds its way to anywhere bad.

What exactly happened in this case remains to be told, but I’m open to the idea that there’s a reasonable explanation.

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Was this done by Russians or Russian led troops? Was going to add by accident but who knows. Probably 2 months is not enough time to set this kind of military cooperation thing up. But the question remains, why was Trump so worried, beside not wanting to say the name NIGER?


He seemed obsessed with a huge ore deposit in Guinea … couple of (large) countries to the West.

If you were hunting Boko Haram scum this would be a great place but that would be the right thing and Trump doesn’t do ‘right things’.

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O hell naw! When the shyt hits the fan feces spew everywhere!! Sorry you didn’t get it…hitting means it is sucked into fan and blows out over all…
Smdh…at having feces simply jabbing fan …ugh…didn’t anticipate having to break it down…is this an ESL issue? …arrgh

Oh lighten up … everybody knows what it means …

besides …

@leftcoaster and @marby think it’s a potato —

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You are saying lighten up? It was a clear inaccurate portrayal…perhaps the image is light on content when it misconstrues the very punch of the words themselves…smdh