Discussion: McCain’s Primary Opponent Suggests He Could Die On The Job

MSNBC host Chuck Todd told Ward that going after McCain’s age was a “tough attack.”

“Well I mean, I’m a physician,” Ward replied. “I see the physiological changes that happen in normal aging, in patients again and again and again over the last 20, 25 years. I do know what happens to the body and mind at the end of life.”

“You feel comfortable diagnosing him on air like this?” Todd asked.

“Diagnosing him as an 80-year-old man, yes, I do,” Ward said

GOP party elder: “Due to McCain’s health being mentioned like this, this important subject will now be included in the 2017 edition.”

I googled it.

“However, if someone were to follow him around with an air horn and give a blast every time he closes his eyes, well, First Amendment and all”.

Well, he could. Or off the job. So could she.

John McCain’s mother is still alive - at 105 years old!

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Sorry - I missed your comment when I gave the same information.

Arizona residents “have the right to know he’s an 80-year old man who’s been in Washington for more than 40 years,” Ward said.

That suggests an exceedingly low opinion of Arizona Republican primary voters.

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Ummm. we’ll isn’t that more likely true than not true? There’s a lot of miles and a lot of crazy on that 79 year old air frame.

Well, they tend to vote for Republicans like Janet “A Decapitated Head Was Found In The Desert” Brewer.

Nevertheless, the current life expectancies for an 80 year old are:

The average life expectancy in the United States is 9.1 years for 80-year-old white women and 7.0 years for 80-year-old white men.

So I guess he’s expected to live out the 6-year term (banking on parental ages is a fool’s errand) And obviously it’s taboo to mention the increasing and normal age-related decline in his cognitive abilities over that time period.

Except for the part where Frist was a real doctor.

Assuming that she’s not lying about being a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, that does apparently mean she’s a legit doctor, much to my surprise. I guess there’s a large difference between being a DO and being an osteopath, a distinction I wasn’t aware of before now.

That doesn’t answer the question of why she’d go out of her way to insult a large part of her natural voting base, but then she’s a Tea Partier loon getting money from Robert Mercer.

McCain’s Primary Opponent Suggests He Could Die On The Job

Thought he had years ago.


My grandmother lived to 95. Her daughter (my mother) lived to 86. Her son (my brother) lived to 55. It’s not a predictor. It is possible McCain’s mother has the longevity gene, but that would be no guarantee that he does. After all, half his genes are from his father who died of a heart attack at age 70.

No shit, lady. If you win you could be hit by a bus (it looks like a large one will be needed). Sad.

I totally don’t get this as an insult. The vast majority of elderly people are extremely aware of both their own mortality and their physical and cognitive failings with age. Pointing out that a member of their cohort is not immune to these vagaries of aging is hardly an insult. It’s a reality check.

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Oh, those Arizonans and their 2d Amendment illnesses.

possible - but Social Security actuarial figures project a 79 year old male to live an additional 8.73 years

it is all averages & numbers & blah - blah - but kind of a tawdry line of attack - especially when so many other angles could be taken.

Is the Pope Catholic?

Seriously, though…supports the Minuteman Project, Trump, and incessantly mentions she’s a Doctor.

Classic Teabag Party schtick.

Let me ask Frankie if he’s Catholic. I’ll get back to you. :innocent:

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