Discussion: McCain’s Primary Opponent Suggests He Could Die On The Job

Don’t understand how she thinks this line of “reasoning” is supposed to work when many of AZ’s Rethug constituents are around McCain’s age anyway.



McCain told Politico that her attacks on his age amounted to a “dive to the bottom.”

… as he indicated “the bottom” by holding his hand up over his head, pulling a Ghouliani (aka 9hou/1an1)!

Right! There goes the 80-something vote!

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How long will that thing on his face live?

Desperate and unwise. It’s taking the low road, so low you need a backhoe to dig a trench for it. And in a state like AZ with many senior citizens it’s double-plus unwise.


And she looks like the picture of health.

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There are some places you just shouldn’t go, even if the facts justify the argument.

Another in the long list of wacky politicians from my state.
(hangs head)


Except for the part where Frist was a real doctor. Albeit a real doctor who was a total sociopath.


Your Senate primary is right before Labor Day? WTF?

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Yep, Tuesday the 30th. I don’t know why that date was chosen.
Mrs darr and I have gone over the ballot and discussed the choices. There’s more to vote of for us than just our Senators. The other down ticket choices are very important. There are 2 or 3 extreme GOPers who I do not want to see win their races and one democrat whom I have spent time working for who I want to see win in November. (a state senator slot for our state government).

yes, quite classy by GOP standards.

I know, I know. So true.

He looked on his last legs in 2008 – but he’s still kicking. I don’t think its right to bring up his age when it comes to him serving in the senate – its not like there would be a crisis if he became incapacitated or died. Now, for the office of president, where the president is really singularly important, then age and health are legitimate questions. In fact while we are at it – I think Trump looks like he has liver problems. That orange complexion looks like jaundice.

Is this lady a Tea Partier?

say. just how heavy is she? didn’t she wrestle as “lady doctor doom”? inquiring minds want to know.

So, Arizona has two primaries?

I mean, NC had two primaries this year, but only because the state Supreme Court overturned a Republican nutsack law that would have allowed the Chief Justice to have only a “retention election” rather than a real one after the first primary was over and because of some rather harsh redistricting decisions. But you guys do that all the time?

For me age is less important than how “with it” the candidate is. I am referring to mental capacity. In McCain’s case he wants to remain as the chair of a the Armed Services Committee, a post he has long coveted. It’s his consolation prize you see. I have seen some indications that tell me it’s time for McCain to step down and ride off into the sunset.

I’ve no great affection for McCain but, actually, any of us might, herself included.

The earlier vote was a “Presidential Preference” vote and not the actual primary itself. Confusing I’ll grant you.
We don’t do this all the time actually. The earlier “preference” vote was engineered by our governor, Doug Ducey, the point of which was to raid a fund set up in 1912 by our state’s founders for funding K-12 and higher education. It’s called the State Land Trust. It now holds about $5 billion in land. The interest is what partly funds education here. The Gov wants to raid the principle money in the fund and he says by doing so the value will double in 10 years. I guess that makes sense to him. It doesn’t to me. Secondarily we added the bit about who we wanted to be POTUS. I can rant a good couple hours on how nasty out gov. and state government is.

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