I knew we was no longer qualified to hold public office when he chose Sarah Palin to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. And he still defends that decision.
True. Nevertheless, tha fact that a candidate might die in office seems a bit riduculous. The question of declining mental faculties should be a greater concern if evident but given that there’s a mentally disordered person at the head of the ticket, it’s probably considered impolitic to address this.
Entirely inappropriate, especially from a medical professional. I hope she is sanctioned by her state board.
If she can diagnose McCain’s health from a distance, she should be able to look in a mirror and recognize brain-dead syndrome.
As despicable as she is, she is merely repeating the GOP Party Line of the Week dive to the bottom attack on HRC. This reminds me of David Duke when he ran for Governor of Louisiana proudly repeating the GOP’s slogan at the time “Read my lips. No New Taxes.”
We have had senators who were still in office at 100. They were effective until after 90. The work isn’t physically taxing.
Which could mean he will go for Strom Thermond’s record. He’ll be napping at committee hearings, drooling and mumbling “build the dang wall!”
You’re right. I was only commenting on Mother McCain’s age because someone asked. I think the fact that the senate has a six-year term is worth thinking about when a candidate would be 80 years old upon election. However, I don’t think the way McCain’s primary opponent approached this issue is smart medically or politically.
If enough republicans get elected especially the one for president we could all die while they’re in office!
[quote=“marby, post:69, topic:42572, full:true”]
You’re right. I was only commenting on Mother McCain’s age because someone asked.[/quote]
Yeah, sorry. I realized after I posted that it should have been on the person who had cited her age as justification that he would be around awhile.
I was thinking earlier we need to amend the constitution for a maximum age in addition to the minimum ages. Term limits could accomplish something similar, but not if the person starts their first term at an older age. It would have to be thought about and analyzed. Can we put a maximum age on congress or the presidency, but leave the supreme court a life time appointment, for instance.
Funny when you go to Allegras page of articles, this articles picture of the “healthy” Dr. is zoomed in on her kinda fat chin!
He gave us Palin: screw him.
“18 hour days” says Johnnie but I had the mental image of those guys at the gym who mostly stand around drinking coffee and yakking for hours…
Kind of wish it happened in THIS term!
"Well I mean, I’m a physician,” Ward replied. “I see the physiological changes that happen in normal aging, in patients again and again and again over the last 20, 25 years. I do know what happens to the body and mind at the end of life.”
“You feel comfortable diagnosing him on air like this?” Todd asked.
“Diagnosing him as an 80-year-old man, yes, I do,” Ward said.
Excellent response to stupid ass chuckles!
mcCrank must be worried about her in the primary and Ann K. in the general. I’ve seen nothing from him except negative completely false smear ads against both.
As long as this gal loses the general, I would love to see her beat that old fool in the primary!
I am a registered Democrat in phoenix. It will be a great day when John McCain loses his senate seat. The tv ads running here are a sight to behold. There are ads from attacking from Kelly ward and a few minutes later, there is an ad attacking him from Ann Kirkpatrick. The tribeca for me will be, clinton winning arizona, john mccain losing to Ann Kirkpatrick and sheriff joe ar paid losing in the primary next Tuesday. Hope springs eternal.
As the majority of the Senate appears in question this year, McCain may find himself ranking member once again.
Both McCain’s father and grandfather died very shortly after retiring from the Navy. I think he thinks this will be his fate if he retires from the Senate.
I didn’t know that he could raise his hand that high.
Republican economics is so creative. These people always want to raid the education fund – helps get them re-elected if they keep people poorly educated.