Why not rip his fellow Republicans? Everybody knows who Trump is.
The disgrace is that the Republicans support him nearly 100% on all issues. He should call out Flake, Sasse, Lindsay, et al. THAT would be useful.
You know “Hate the sin, love the sinner” this is the reverse “Hate Trump, love the Trumping”
Earth to McCain: That word “mistake” does not mean what you want to think it means.
Come on. Sure McCain is not a progressive but he is a decent, honest patriot who always puts his country first. His statement could not possibly have been more scathing and appropriate. Sometimes as progressives, we need to take yes for an answer.
Sorry, I disagree on most of your points.
Most critically, it’s not enough for Republicans to criticize Trump. We’ve seen all too much of that, and there is little effect. What is needed is firm opposition; for example, creating a bloc who will stop all judicial appointments.
C’mon Senator, get with the program. This isn’t grampa McCain’s GOP anymore…
Americans are waiting and hoping for President Trump to embrace that sacred responsibility.
It wasn’t bad until this sentence. Pure bullshit.
Now if he would only vote against trump’s policies.
So here’s (literally) where we are today: A guy in the throws of brain cancer makes more sense than Trump.
G-d help us all.
Shorter McCain: I want to live to vote for him in 2020.
donnie is a tumor on our body politic
OT sort of. We have it folks: the first direct comparison by a Republican of Trump’s performance to Chamberlain and “peace in our time.” Steve Tyler on MSNBC, 12:15 pm EDT.
ETA: Rick Tyler. Steve Tyler is going down in an elevator.
Ah yes. Remember in Nov 2016 when Sen McCain already knew what a disaster this would be and he begged everyone to vote for Sec. Clinton?
Me either
Americans are waiting and hoping for President Trump to embrace that sacred responsibility. One can only hope they are not waiting totally in vain.
Actually, Senator, it is in the power of Congress to do more than just wait and hope in vain.
“throes of brain cancer”? On the other hand, maybe you meant “throws of brain cancer”.
Trump violated his oath of office. He needs to resign and face the consequences of the Mueller investigation. It is time for Republicans to act. It is time to stop coddling Trump. While I appreciate Senator McCain’s partial denunciation of POTUS, these statements are no longer enough. He is unfit to hold the office of President of the United States. Trump needs to go. He has done enough damage to our Republic. He is a stain on the office of the President.
McCain’s statements is scathing, but I wish he had gone on to urge his fellow Republicans to move from words to deeds.
If Republicans like McCain are the patriots they claim they are, they need to resign from the Republican Party, declare themselves independents and caucus with the Democrats. We only need two.
Talk is cheap. It’s time for action.
It will all be over when George the II-nd Bush chimes in and says both the T-word and I-word.