Goddamn man, all you have to do is STOP CAUCUSING WITH THE R(ussia) party. Mitch McTurdle has proven he’s not going to do a damn thing to stop this. Just find the courage to put your country before your party & get someone in power that’s actually going to hold this orange buffoon (A.K.A. Fucking Moron) accountable.
If I did have a tumor, I’d name it tRUmp.
JFC Pence is on another planet or waiting for the rapture.
Sorry I don’t see it this way. McCain for all his ills came out more forcefully than most of the D leadership which is still in “hare in the headlights” mode, tippy toeing and skirting around the issues so as not to upset or rock the boat.
HarDcore LIBtard RINO, not SMArt ENOUGH to NOT geT caught and not tortured. Sad Loser. Same thing canT be said about TRUmp.
Fuck you, Sid McCrashcup!
Then impeach him. Start the motions and then drag him in front of Congress when he lands on American soil.
Senator, if you are at all well enough to travel to DC and address this cowardly Republican Congress, we would be grateful.
Blah, blah, blah. None of this means shit unless and until you, Flake, Corker, Collins and Murkowsky announce you’re henceforth caucusing with the Democrats, voting to bring down Cocaine Mitch, and are now committed to allowing real steps to be taken to bring this country back from the brink.
No, he is not. McCain has always put the Republican Party ahead of his country. Look up “Sarah Palin.”
Remember this?
Five and a half years in a Communist POW torture camp couldn’t get John McCain to criticize his country as much as Donald Trump did today.
Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe…
Trump: Won’t call out the clear interference in the election ordered and sponsored by Putin, call out the assassinations in Britain sponsored by Putin, call out the murder of journalists ordered by Putin, attacks his own intelligence agencies and the FBI while praising Putin, clearly and publicly asked Russia/Putin to publish the DNC and Clinton e-mails, has received huge loans from Deutsche Bank (a known money launderer) via Justice Kennedy’s son (!), has probably billions in debt held by Russians, clearly acts as if Putin has lots of dirt on him, is making noises about pulling out of NATO (which would emasculate it) the clear military reason we’ve been able to check Russian aggression in Europe for decades, is soft on Russia’s threatened takeover of Ukraine, and badmouths the EU and Britain both, our solid allies in most world security measures. And that’s only a partial list. It’s clear Trump is a traitor and his treasons are many-faceted and ongoing. Any person who denies this is either complicit, ignorant or mentally defective. Any politician in this country who isn’t working for Trump’s removal is now nearly as guilty of treason as Trump.
Not likely. His fellow Republicans think openly voicing their “serious concerns” and “major reservations” is in itself a brave deed.
“…Nevertheless, God willing, I’ll still be able to go to Washington and approve Brett Kavanaugh.”
And yet…here’s John’s “Trump score”
If only he’d done it when it was needed. Like 2015.
We all know, McCain included, that trump will never embrace his responsibility. Any of it. Ever.
What on earth made you think trump was responsible, McCain?
Impeachment must begin in the House, the Senate would serve as “jury” for the trial. Nah gunna happen with the Krazy Kaucus in charge over there.