Discussion: McCain Gives Damning Speech Against Torture On Senate Floor

Discussion for article #230977

Torture is perhaps the only subject for which McCain has credibility.


Too bad that history will overlook this speech and concentrate instead on the fact that McCain was responsible for setting Wasilla Kardashian loose on the American stage.


One of the few issues on which McCain has not sold out in his bitter and senile lurch to the right. He’d be a better man if he could empathize with suffering other than that he personally experienced.


And in other news, a blind squirrel managed to find an acorn today


Coming soon to a Fox News chyron: “John McCain (D-AZ)”


A day late and a dollar short, John. But better late than never.

[Has anyone else noticed that McCain is just a rolling series of clichés?]


It is not often that I agree with John McCain on anything. But on torture, he speaks from experience, so I have to laud his comments.
We lessen ourselves as a people when we sink to the level of our enemies.
The torture report is an indictment of horrible barbarity wrapped in psuedo-patriotism.
It is shameful that our country engaged in this despicable behavior.


Even after the Vietnam War,our POWs,during debriefing,said they gave false information to the North Vietnamese to stop the torture even if only briefly


No. No he’s not. McCain is such an ethically bankrupt opportunist, he lost all credibility when he voted for the Military Commissions Act as a giant ‘f**k you’ to the Geneva Conventions.And when he voted against a ban on waterboarding. The Maverick is utterly full of shit.


If anyone in Congress, Administration and Agencies is to be listened to on this topic, it is McCain.

I read a story a while back about how conservatives where furious that Hollywood stop using the slogan “Truth,Justice,and The American Way” in Superman movies since The Bush Administration. Torture was one of reasons why I am sure.

Every time I Dick Cheney talk about American Exceptionalism I want scream. He has done more to destroy the thing he preaches about then anyone in history.


McCain Gives Damning Speech Against Torture On Senate Floor

Now Senator.
If you were to make that one last ride into the sunset?
I would bestow upon you the one iota of respect I once swore I never would.



I taught interrogation for the Army from 86-89. It was common knowledge that torture didn’t work and we used basic psychological approaches and taught the whole Rambo thing was something Hollywood cooked up and had no basis in reality.

Professional interrogators have known not to use torture for at least 60-75 years.


Please allow for my edit above.



Unfortunately, the Rs only understand suffering when its theirs. Empathy is not a Republican trait.


So when will this worthless sack of crap that loves hearing his own voice start War Crimes trials against Bush & Company - the folks that brought us the contents of this new report??

Methinks McGrumpy completely supported torture just as much as Dick Cheney and only talked against it in front of a camera.

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I would say, in fact, that that’s the chief problem with the GOP worldview.

Well Grandpa McCain, your party is still torturing the country with their stupidity (Gohmert, Cruz, Steve King, Bachmann, Palin) and bigotry (Nugent, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter)

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Not to mention his willingness to go to war at every “opportunity”. He sure as heck as no qualms about killing people in mass without seeking alternatives to war, like good old-fashioned diplomacy.