Discussion: Mayor Plans To Combat Glenn Beck's Angry Fans By Donating To LGBT Group

Discussion for article #225257

This mayor is a smart and decent person. Wonderful to come up with the idea that the more righties harass her, the more she will donate to LGBT causes.


I suspect we will see some more witch hunting in Salem before this is over.


A whole FIFTY calls? Wow. Dumbfuckistan ain’t as big as I thought.


Probably all from the same caller.


Rightwing radicals have always been a tiny minority with very noisy methods that make them seem bigger and more important (or threatening) than they really are. The same is true of Beck and even FOX News; ratings are small relative to the populace but they get outsized attention because they act outrageously loud.


Oh, but Dumbf^ckistan has a huuuuuuuge population.
Though asking Dumbf^uckers to dial a 10-digit phone number correctly–
is a speedbump too high to traverse for the majority.



Tea Party Motto: Freedom for me, but not for thee.

And sadly, that really is how they think since they’re so wrapped up into themselves that they not only think they deserve the freedom to do whatever they want, but also believe that extends to us supporting whatever they support. And if you don’t agree with them, then you’re stifling their freedom.


Much more gracious than I could be in the situation. I’d just tell them to eat shit and bark at the moon.


Or as I like to put it: “I got mine … F*ck you!”


They’re already doing that.


Apparently a legion has been downsized from 6,000 to 50, times are tough all over I guess.


That was my first thought as well. This is the best you could do, baggers? Time for the right wing to accept that actions have consequences.

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I’m sure I’m not the only reader who would have liked the TPM reporting to note the nature of the contract.

Here’s my contribution to the reporting:

City officials said Salem has contracted with Gordon since 2008 to
maintain, operate, rent out, and help preserve and improve the Old Town
Hall, a two-century-old, two-story building in Derby Square that
includes a museum and a large hall space.
Effective Tuesday, Salem will terminate the agreement. The city had
planned to take over those duties Sept. 1 for unrelated reasons but will
now assume the responsibility earlier than scheduled, Driscoll said.

The contract covers nonsectarian activities and would require Gordon College to hire people to work on city property. With Gordon College voicing support for the right of organizations like Gordon College to continue to accept government contracts while practicing hiring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and admittedly discriminating against non-heterosexual sexual activity, Salem acted in accordance with a city ordinance forbidding the city to contract with organizations practicing such discrimination.


Too bad for them the vast majority of Americans embrace reality.


Dang, I was going to say that.

It’s sort of exclusively exclusive. You won’t accept us, so we don’t accept you.

I’m on the mayor’s side on this one and never Beck’s. The teabaggers are a group that willfully admit and proudly promote their hate and ignorance. They aren’t about taxes or bailouts, that façade came down in the first 6 months. These trained dupes are fueled by the almighty evil spirit and obviously can be led to jump off cliffs.
Wise people put them in their place just like Mayor Kimberley Driscoll has done.

Beck is laughing all the way to the bank again.


Smart move Mayor Driscoll.


Well, you know damn well they’ll do that, too.

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What’s really cool is that if the publicity/news of this gets more wingers inflamed, they know that if they call, more money goes to NAGLY.

It’s delicious.