Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

No! I agreed! He is a B player. I’m not even sure about the B+.

But I still like him very very much and am pleased as punch by the media attention. He’s a good spokesman – though I am aware that the element which shall not be named probably swallows bile every time they see his face or hear his voice.

It’s hard to get a leg up these days. Our enemies are just too good at mind fucking.


Perhaps I’m wrong but it is difficult for me to believe that writer who commented that “there’s a ton of other stuff that hasn’t bubbled to the “media buzz” surface yet” has listened to the mayor’s interviews on Pod Save America, with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, with the Breakfast Club, etc, because the so-called “media buzz” is in my view a legitimate result of the extremely positive response people across the spectrum have had to this man’s authenticity, articulateness, thoughtfulness, and substance. It should be clear to any listener or careful reader that Pete Buttigieg does not “pander”. Finally: it is unfortunate that many Progressives that haven’t done their own homework have been taken in by the ADMITTEDLY biased pieces like the one in Current Affairs written by a Bernie supporter which, while making some valid points and raising valid questions, was frankly also a “hit piece.” Just sayin…I am an Indivisible leader in rural Colorado, and my peers feel that Pete’s the real deal. He will definitely have my support.


Obama also talked about dislocation and its leading to the embrace of guns and religion during the 2008 campaign in the so-called bitter statement for which he was eviscerated. Sociological analysis often ends up being labeled as pandering although Obama, saying the same thing as Buttigieg, was accused of being condescending.


After what ex-pope Benedict sent out recently, I’m more than willing to completely ignore anyone who’s anything like him. There are a lot of them, unfortunately, especially the evangelicals in any religion.

One area where that’s not true, I think, are black Democrats. Acceptance of LGBTQ people is still a big problem in many black communities. It might also be an issue in Latino communities that are strongly Catholic, but I haven’t seen any recent polling on that.

It’s not an issue that would stop me personally in voting for Mayor Pete if he’s the candidate, but I don’t think we can ignore the headwinds he’s facing, even among the Democratic electorate.


Hiya @susannahortego. @irasdad is our resident kidder and send upper here and I believe he was kidding here – though I have to admit I wasn’t sure of the joke either since the bigger joke around here is always “economic anxiety.”

Ummmm, he’s a B+ player. He’s telegenic, he has skills and he’s ready for prime time, but there’s something missing…

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Are most of them Southern Baptists, even those further North?

I don’t think that’s a fair analogy. Obama didn’t code what he said.


I’m not sure it’s something missing. At times he seems to me a bit too studied.

But I like him!


I understand that. I still have reservations about someone who uses religion so freely to polish their public image.

I was raised in the Congregational church before getting off the train, where one’s religion was considered more of a private matter. Not something to be flaunted in public. Just makes me a little nervous about him, that’s all.



I misread your post as…“He’s telepathic…” and I thought, “Shit, is there nothing this guy can’t do…?”


Experience? After Trump, I think we’re going to need someone who has some.


He says what people wanna hear, so who knows, maybe he’s best for business.


One thing to consider when it comes to caucus time is that there are more than a few Republicans who cross over to vote in Dem caucuses for the candidate they think is the weakest one.

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I suspect we’ll need to brace ourselves. Buttigieg shows signs of being set to take the fight to the enemy on the religious right in a way we haven’t seen before from an aspiring politician.


I still don’t understand why an Independent at home is allowed to run nationwide as a Democrat, which he clearly is not. He’s Ross Perot with smaller ears.


As much as I’d like to see Bernie in a debate with Trump - mainly because he’d just yell at him and not let him get a word in edgewise - I’m not looking forward to the primary debates (where Bernie will just yell at everyone and not them get a word in edgewise). Trump obviously doesn’t deserve a “civilized” debate. Actually, I’m betting that he just refuses debates because … he can.


It’s just sex. How, who, and when is none of my business or interest. Same holds true for his favorite baseball team (unless it’s the Cubs), restaurant or religion or no religion. We’re trying to choose a leader FFS.


Pelosi is also a devout Catholic, but she uses it to promote liberal causes, though I’m not sure how well the public receives that.
As an unaffiliated myself, I sometimes find it weird to listen to politicians talking about religions. A feeling of being unconnected and neglected, of being the “minority”. It seems that too often, religious freedom only applies to those who have a religion but not those who have none.
I understand that Dems have to be somewhat religious to fend off ridiculous accusations from the right, but I wish they don’t forget to mention that the freedom not to have a religion is equally important.