Discussion: Mayor Pete Buttigieg Makes His Move In Early-Voting States

3rd place sounds impressive!
9%, not quite as much.

Then again, when everyone including Bob up the street, and Aunt Jane are running, and each polling at a half percent or so, it’s hard to crack double digits. I like Mayor Pete, but in this race I’m staying relatively uncommitted until as late as possible, so that I can have time to size everyone up. And my state doesn’t vote until May anyway, so the field shouldn’t be quite so large by then.

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Contrary to popular opinion, being highly intelligent and being devout are not mutually exclusive.


Wow. I bet you even have a gay friend. :expressionless:


He seems to have learned quickly that zeal for economic redevelopment has to be tempered with attention to the needs of at-risk communities.

And from the many interviews I’ve heard, I don’t think he’s urging pandering to Trump voters but recognizing that there are people who were Obama/Trump voters and some of them are open to redressing the error of their ways and voting blue again. He’s not as leftie as I would like, but that could be a good thing.


It’s a bit like starting a thought by saying: “I’m not racist, but…” A lot of people stop listening.

Besides, there is polling on this question: https://news.gallup.com/poll/183713/socialist-presidential-candidates-least-appealing.aspx
Gay / Lesbian candidate is tied with Evangelical Christian at about 75% yes 25% no. Even Republicans are 61% yes.

It’s Atheism (58/40) and Socialism (47/50) that really turn people off. Even Democrats are only 59% yes on a Socialist candidate, less than Republicans who would vote for a homosexual candidate.

Edit: That was an older poll from 2015. Here is a newer one from February:


Coastal Elites, economic anxiety. If he’s not pandering to them he’s got the wrong script.


“But it appears the Butti-mentum is real — at least for now.”


I’m assuming that you’re being tongue in cheek here…but???

I will vote for Buttigieg. I grew up 20 miles from him (in Elkhart, IN), and know what a throwback he is to the typical right-wing Hoosier. We have elected a gay governor here in CO, a very good person, a lot like Buttigieg, also with a male partner, married. Our governor is already doing great things for CO that have not been promoted by former hetero governors. My brother was also gay, and I have gay friends. I have never known a nasty gay guy, it isn’t in their behavior inventory, seems to me. All I’ve known have seemed more compassionate and gentle than the usual hetero male (can’t say about females who are naturally more compassionate than males).

  1. Buttigieg is still a B+ player.

  2. poor Bernie


Correct. But we still do like Mayor Pete, right?

Bear in mind the generational and demographic splits. Last I checked, older people and minorities are less likely to approve of LGBT. It’s a stupidly risky move considering that there are numerous other potentially good candidates… but what do I know. :slight_smile: I just want us to win and would happily vote for any of them.

Quick edit to add/clarify… minority turnout is key. Older people are more likely to turn out. Should have made both points more obvious.


I think he’s doing it to pre-empt the coming onslaught to his campaign from the fundamentalists by contrasting the difference between “the right Christians” versus “the Christian right,” to borrow Rev. Al’s terminology.

While I’m not quite ready to call myself an atheist, I am unaffiliated with any religious denomination and don’t like organized religion as a matter of general principle. But I don’t find Buttigieg’s call outs to religion offensive. I think the couple of quotes I’ve heard from him on the subject are quite refreshing and he’s doing as good a job as any Democrat calling the Repubs and the religious right on their hyprocrisy. In fact, you don’t often hear Democrats doing that at all.


Have her first quarter fundraising and cash on hand numbers been released yet?

Please explain Bernie Sanders popularity then:

He is Over 75, and an avowed Socialist, and an Independent.

Of course, most of his support comes from the Twitterati and the SJW, and the TV Pundits who just cannot get enough of him.
Actual VOTERS on the other hand…are still waiting to see his tax returns, from 2016 onward.


Below is an email I wrote in Feb 2008 to one of my right wing buddies (I have known them all since the 1970s – before the balkanization of politics – sadly, it would be harder to kindle such friendships now). It is still way too early but I am beginning to get the same vibe from Mayor Pete:

Joe, The media bias thing is overblown. The fact is that most of the media is lazy and driven by deadlines. Analysis is difficult, time consuming and boring so the media are suckers for a good story line. That’s why most of the coverage is about horse-race issues. Now the Obama phenomenon is something you don’t see to often in the jaded and cynical world of American politics. Here is a guy who has come from nowhere, charismatic and easily the best political orator in a generation – and he’s black! Hillary Clinton is perhaps the most famous woman in the country albeit with a fair amount of baggage (i.e., Bill – but where would she be without him?) She has been the presumptive nominee for so long and the first woman with a real shot at the Presidency. But the Clintons never saw this guy coming and they fit right into the part of the mighty brought down. This is just too good of a story line for most of the media not to go with.


Lets see what Buttigieg goes down south.

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It’s curious. As a resident of South Bend, I never heard him speak of his religion until after he was married last summer in an Episcopalian church, which is very focused on social justice. He has obviously had many changes in his personal life recently, including coming out, and his father passed away only a couple of months ago. He is an extremely thoughtful and sincere guy, not likely to be pandering. The discussion of his religious views began with questions about Pence’s hypocrisy in supporting trump, and now interviewers keep bringing it up.


I don’t think it’s pandering either, more like getting the initiative before religious freaks jump out.


You, or anybody else who liked your comment, having failed to explain why I “lost” you, my conclusion is that your dismissal is a just a way to avoid the second question:

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