Discussion: May Enrages Her Own Party By Meeting Opposition Leader Corbyn For Brexit Talks

Call off Brexit with a coalition of Tory and Labor MPs and in return May resigns…


Everybody in the UK has a reason to be enraged over the Brexit fiasco.

There isn’t a plan out there that a majority of MP’s will support.


a surprise about-face that left pro-Brexit members of May’s Conservative Party howling with outrage.

Howling with outrage is what good Tories do. It’s not news.

Neither is it news that May is now meeting with Corbyn. This was bound to happen and only a pack of fools “howling with outrage” would feign surprise.

But no one should just assume that May and Corbyn will find a solution in this round. For one thing, the problem is difficult; and for another thing, May has not shown herself to be trustworthy.

There are a couple of avenues May and Corbyn can explore. I hope they both do so in good faith.


If nothing else, this proves – again – that government by referendum is a bad idea (think Prop. 13). David Cameron will go down in history as the stupidest British leader since George III.


The Tories started killing the UK years ago, this was just the final act. A lot of the leave vote was Trump-like motivations and brainwashing, but If the Tories hadn’t been strangling the place with austerity for so many years there wouldn’t have been enough others susceptible to the message for leave to pass.

All that was part and parcel of the kind of blind arrogance that would say oh the leave vote will never win the day, people are too happy with things as they are, just ask anyone in The City who works in finance.


The biggest sin on the right these days is acknowledging the basic humanity and best intentions of those not on the right.


I’m not qualified to weigh in either way on Brexit and its seemingly infinite permutations, but I do find it telling how similar the UK’s conservatives are to ours. Namely, in promoting policies that feel good to and mostly benefit them but don’t really work or make sense and in the end hurt vastly more people than they help, and in refusing to compromise, in fact viewing it as a sign of weakness and treachery.

They call themselves conservatives but in reality they’re neo-fascists who care only about power, money, dominance, and imposing their views and policies on everyone else. Clearly there’s no Brexit solution to be found solely within the Torie caucus, yet they view May as a traitor to the party and cause for merely talking to the democratically and lawfully elected leader of the opposition, even though there’s literally no way to solve this crisis without the support of non-Tories.

There as here and really everywhere else, “conservatives” are mostly older men from their society’s dominant ethnic/racial/religious group who don’t give a shit about anyone unlike themselves and want to stay in power.


“Put the question to the people” sounds like such a good idea until you talk to a representative sample of the people.

Turns out it should be left as a topic of discussion in high school government classes.


Here’s what May said:

  • May blinks on a ‘no deal Brexit’ and agrees to an Article 50 extension;
  • May wants her negotiated withdrawal deal to be the anchor of a Brexit deal;
  • She’s willing to negotiate on the ‘future relationship’ piece (translation: customs union/common mkt);
  • She will concede to indicative votes on ‘future relationship’ piece (i.e. Parliament can decide and she’ll support);
  • No EU elections.

May’s approach would attempt to eliminate ‘no deal’ Brexit and new referendum or confirmatory vote options. About half of her cabinet wants to crash out of the EU with a hard Brexit. The other half does not. She went against the Brexiteers here. That is significant because she has attempted to leverage the insanity of the hard Brexiteers to force Parliament to adopt her plan. That hasn’t worked.

However, the fundamental issue is that the Labour/left coalition objects to her withdrawal agreement. May continues to mislead folks when she says the EU won’t reopen the agreement she negotiated with them. The EU, especially Donald Tusk, has repeatedly said that the EU would be willing to be flexible once Parliament says ‘yes’ to something.

The deal which I think gets this over the line is the following:

  • Article 50 Extension;
  • A ‘future relationship’ deal that includes the Common Market and Customs Union soft Brexit options that have garnered decent support within the Parliament;
  • A confirmatory vote;
  • A new election; and
  • Participation in the EU elections to induce the EU to be flexible with the UK.

We’ll see what happens next.


"That is not the Brexit my constituents were promised,” Adams wrote.

Your constituents were promised a unicorn, you dumbshit. Try not to be the last fool to pull the wool off your own head.


“The alternative to that is no Brexit at all and I think that would be very damaging from a democracy point of view,” he told Parliament’s Brexit committee.

Riiiiggght. Because setting national policy off of a vote won by racists dummies is so great for Democracy.

The fact that they’re continuing to drive towards the cliff - despite the fact that the car keeps breaking down on the way, giving them plenty of time to realize how bad an idea this is - is like watching the GOP in this country continuing to allow trump to inflict maximal damage.


The longer Brexit lingers the more it resembles Republican healthcare.


You know what’s damaging from a democracy point of view? Running your country into the ground on the basis of what was essentially a coin flip.


This is fucked on so many levels. Corbyn, too, wants to leave the EU, deal or no deal. Imagine if the Democratic Party was led by a Mitch McConnell clone expected to work with Trump.

Furthermore, it was an advisory vote.


She doesn’t have a plan! If she did, then you’d have most of the Tories and enough of Labour to pass her proposal.


That is not the Brexit my constituents were promised

In fact, the referendum promised nothing other than ‘leave’. The Brexiters had no idea what they were voting for. Or perhaps, each individual had their own fantasy of what they were voting for.


Yeah… but just watch they will dig in their claws and fight to the death - screaming that the won … screaming no-do-overs … demanding the fulfillment of what is essentially a suicide pact.

This is how the BREXIT manipulation works

Facebook Brexit ads secretly run by staff of Lynton Crosby firm
Exclusive: ‘grassroots’ groups that spent up to £1m on targeted Facebook ads share administrator who works for lobbying firm
Facebook Brexit ads secretly run by staff of Lynton Crosby firm | Lobbying | The Guardian
The mysterious groups, which have names such as Mainstream Network and Britain’s Future, appear to be run independently by members of the public and give no hint that they are connected. But in reality they share an administrator who works for Crosby’s CTF Partners and have spent as much as £1m promoting sophisticated targeted adverts aimed at heaping pressure on individual MPs to vote for a hard Brexit.
Crosby’s secretive lobbying company, CTF Partners, has come under increasing scrutiny in recent months. Leaked documents have revealed how it boasts of its ability to run fake online grassroots campaigns that encourage users to join an online community and then be “mobilised to communicate directly with key decision-makers”, whether to delegitimise the Qatari government or convince people that burning coal is good.