Yes, Obamacare/EU membership bad, so lets do away with it because “we” (the elite conservatives) will replace it with something so much better, and of course they’ve got nothing to replace it with, but the upside is chaos they can try to play to their advantage politically and financially.
There as here and really everywhere else, “conservatives” are mostly older men from their society’s dominant ethnic/racial/religious group who don’t give a shit about anyone unlike themselves and want to stay in power.
“It is clear we will now end up in the customs union. That is not the Brexit my constituents were promised,” Adams wrote.
It’s interesting that he’s so opposed to this, given that it’s actually closer to what most Leave voters wanted - limiting movement by people while keeping most of the economic benefits.
That’s not necessarily true. Some Remain MPs voted against the customs union, and some Leavers voted for it but against the confirmatory referendum. Both failed by only a handful of votes If they can be persuaded that that combination is the only thing that avoids catastrophe, that’s the way forward. That’s why Adams is so mad.
No, no, no! They promised that “Millions of Pounds!” would come back to be invested in the National Health Service! It’s true, I saw it on the side of a bus!
(Of course, what they didn’t tell you was that it would be millions of pounds of horseshit, but who reads the fine print on the side of a bus anyways?)
The Devolution of Yorkshire, a Brexit red line too far?
With the Cooper Bill, the Remainers appear to have taken the upper hand.
Is it possible that Jeremy Corbin may actually have had some idea of what he was doing all this time?
Britain, which has traded with the world for millennia, would need to have its trade ducks in order for Brexit, hard or soft. This has been clear for a couple years now. Whoops.
The government said on Wednesday that the Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) would not be established in time for a no-deal Brexit.
The organisation exists in shadow form only, as a part of the Department for International Trade, and is without a chairman after the person designated unexpectedly quit last week for personal reasons.
So now a “No-Deal” Brexit is illegal? in an odd way by passing this - they rejected failure as an option… but with the past as a guide, one can imagine that every other conceivable option will fail to pass