Discussion for article #224398
Matt is a tool and lousy news/question reader.
What a sexist question!
Jeez, why not just ask her if she puts out at board meetings?
Fathering is sort of important too, Matt. So maybe we should ask if getting up so early everyday and not seeing his kids off to school makes him a bad dad?
Matt Lauer Can Suck It!
–Will Ferrell, in some otherwise-unmemorable movie
You said it! - the questions are sexist and more than behind the times. Will Matt now need an “outreach program” to women just like the Rs?
My car was recalled by GM recently, the ignition switch issue, and while I was never in jeopardy, I never thought to hold the GM CEO responsible. GM replaced my ignition switch promptly and they reimbursed me in full for the ignition switch I’d had installed a year ago. Lauer’s questions demonstrates that he lost his mind at about the same time he lost his hair.
Yo’ Matt?
1974 called and wants it’s sexist attitude back stat!
And at the same rate!
Matt will do reparative outreach by saying something flattering about her hairstyle or her curvy ankles or her dynamite shoes.
Has this question ever been asked of a male? Ever?
What a jerk.
Evidently Matt Lauer CANNOT be an insightful interviewer AND a father at the same time. He probably sucks at being a father, too. Some woman should ask him.
Where in the world is Matt Lauer? Somewhere back in the 1950’s.
Why are her mothering skills his business or ours?
“Some people”.
There should be something that somehow gives a backhand to any “journalist” writing or speaking those words.
Lauer became dead to me during the 90s when he interviewed “Arkin” 0n the Today Show. Arkin led a notorious Serbian paramilitary gang that was even then massacring hundreds of Bosnians. Not one hardball question did our all-American Matty ask!
And Matt…how is it that when women like Ann Curry, who ostensibly had to overcome a glass ceiling, closeted xenophobia and who has a bigger set of balls than you, you still have a job instead of her. Why Matt?
Because uterus.
Even better would be “As a soldier deployed for months at a time how can you be a good parent?”
He’s a cad…we all know that and have known it for a long time. DONT watch him.
When is NBC going to read the writing on the wall and replace matt lauer, david gregory, and chuck todd? And don’t replace any of them with luke russert.
The questions read to me like Lauer serving up softballs so Barra can knock them down.