Discussion for article #230635
you gotta love a headline that uses masturbation and virgin on it.
Flightus interruptus
The jokes just write themselves!
Mile High Club for Republicans
…and “premature landing.”
Premature evacuation.
is it wrong to envision non masturbating passengers to request of their fellow traveler “hands up don’t shoot”?
was this a person that one city was trying to dump on another city? Lots of that going around…
Best headline in years.
Well it does beg the question of how a guy with a hospital bracelet got on a plane.
“Dumping on another city” reminded me of this. Years ago, the planes had a primitive way of dealing with flushing toilets on board. They just released the crap into the air. President Truman always had his pilot tell him when he was flying over Ohio (Sen. Taft’s state). Truman made a habit of using that time to visit the restroom.
“made an unscheduled landing in Nebraska”
Something that used to happen to me quite a lot…
Good thing he wasn’t black, police firing guns in an airplane would be dangerous.
This man appears to have had a psychotic break. He is mentally ill. Its nothing to make fun of.
Would that make a premature ejaculation?
yes, people in institutions for the mentally and criminally ill are known to masturbate openly. Probably where the notion of masturbation as a cause of metal illness came from.
Not to mention that hair that grows in your palm.
Headline wins the Internets
Too late to turn back for Virgin. Should have gone all the way and just enjoyed the ride.
the guy had a hospital bracelet on his wrist, which should have, by itself, caused some questions before he was even allowed to buy a ticket and board. what were the TSA agents doing, while all this was going on, on the ground?