Discussion: Maryland Police Officer Suspended For Displaying ‘Oath Keepers’ Hat In Cruiser

I would love to know the rules on this… I spent a significant time in the military and this was strictly enforced (at the time ie: pre-bush) but it seems not so with police. I happen to be addicted to the A&E show The First 48 - a murder reality detective series… I like it because it seems the least choreographed of such shows. Any way I find it interesting that in the background of a lot of the office footage there are ROUTINE violations of this along with the blatant pro gun paraphernalia. Just watch like 3 shows and I think you’d be surprised the cubicle office side of things is just like this too - perhaps more so… cruisers I would imagine get reused. The guy was making a point and paid his price. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I’m just betting it’s just way too decentralized unlike the military COC- too many departments… too many conflicting rules… etc. I don’t know about the wisdom of that. It may be a good idea over all.

“You TRADER!!! I guess you want to live under a TRANNYICAL government!!!”


“Every one of my cops should know better,”
Than to get CAUGHT with it out in the open.
Dude! You have to keep that on the down-low.
We don’t want “Those People” to know where our real allegiance lies.
Get with the program!


The Trader thing was super awesome by the way… the purity of that particular moment goes down as one of the 10 most important media clips of this election. Complete with the self perceived catholic bigotry… Dear lord sometimes I’m grateful I don’t live in Brooklyn anymore… 3 am delivered piping hot eggrolls I miss. This attitude… I do not.

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The problem is an institutional one, because it has to do with the way we recruit police officers.

I’m willing to be that there isn’t a single police department in the country that asks their recruits “Are you by any chance a murderous psychopath?” or “Are you a member of any Right Wing lunatic fringe organizations?” or “Just flat out tell us - is there any chance that you’re just f*cking nuts?”


yes his cops should know better …than to get caught with this in their car…next time cover it up…and never ever let them know our secret hand shake

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Doesn’t this defeat the premise for the Oathkeepers? Which is opposition to any federal or local police organizations. In their minds only militias organized by a bunch of rubes are legal. By the way that police car had a license plate, something authorized by the government. Plus that officer gets federally and state subsidized health and pension benefits. Sorry Oaf Keepers it’s not 1789.


i hope this lady watches her back around that precinct area. No doubt she’s now on someone’s list.


Yes, and he should definitely have every opportunity to leave said police organization, give up all government benefits and go hang out in the forest with the other mouthbreathers. Also, don’t use our roads and infrastructure.


The actual reality is that you are excellent at formulating gross generalizations. Happy now?

I am sorry, you are so right. If take a group of people applying to the police academy and you can’t tell them apart from a group applying to MIT or Stanford.

You got me, that’s exactly what I meant. I see you are also expert at reading minds and subtext, bravo! Can you tell me where the stock market will close tomorrow, too? I could really use the money.

Ask one of your cop friends that are so smart.

well it was better than the kkk hat he used to keep in it

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OK, let’s just disband the police force and wait for “mob rule” to take care of public safety, amirite? Take a deep breath, and try thinking for a minute. Also, refer to my original reply. Not all police officers are stupid, the same can’t be said about you. We’re done, I’m not going to waste any more energy arguing with you.

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Little Brother wins again. Yes, we’re watching you and there are millions of us.

Who vets these guys? How did they get through the application process? Yeah! I know it is niave but made my point. It speaks to a higher and broader problem

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“Although it’s not widely known, federal courts have ruled since 2000 that police departments can legally opt to not hire someone simply because he or she scores too high on an intelligence test.”

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