Whitaker is a gold mine of corruption and malfeasance, and everyday offers new revelations.
If Trump’s goal was to inspire oversight and investigation, then Whitaker was the perfect choice.
Yet he’d be confirmed by the Senate if Trump elevated his nomination to permanant replacement status.
Hard to challenge legitimacy where there is none to begin with when we have a President who lost the popular vote.
I don’t disagree. But his current appointment maintains a public momentum that is usually dead within days after an election.
Anecdotally, I see people maintaining the enthusiasm of the election cycle. In the past I think people tended to go to sleep right after an election.
I heard some pundit say that there’s nothing stopping Merrick Garland from sitting on the Supreme Court if they are going to argue that Senate confirmation is not necessary
I think a Senate confirmation hearing for him would be Kavanaugh Part 2.
On steroids.
Which ended with a confirmation.
I though Maryland has a Republican governor? Why would he sign off on this (is he bucking the GOP’s overall subservience to Trump?)
Right. But it would be a shit show to end all shit shows.
I don’t think it matters who sits in the governors’ mansions – it’s the states’ Attorneys General who decide on the lawsuits. (I think, anyway.)
An acting AG who’s on record promoting religious tests (New Testament only of course) for Federal judges.
I think Whitaker is already on steroids
My husband read a comment that said McConnell was going to force a confirmation vote this weekend.
… followed by a wave election.
He looks like it, doesn’t he? He also seems like a guy who has low regard for women
And probably cost us the Senate. I loathe Kavanaugh, but I think the 100 or so federal judges McConnell gets to push through over the next two years were not worth the cost considering he sits on the court anyway. It felt good to see us fight back, but all polling data shows Republican enthusiasm spiking at that exact same moment.
Bingo. Let’s look at the math.
In 2016 Republicans lost the popular vote for president by over 3 Million votes.
In 2018 they lost 1/3 of their U.S. House seats; 323 State legislature seats; 7 Governors and 6 Legislative chambers.
And in 2020 the republicans have to defend 22 Senate seats. All the Democratic Party needs is to win 5 of those races.
The trend data is clear. The next two years will be about building good candidates and taking republican vote suppressors to court.
One other thing- Mitch, Trump and their fellow travelers are generally old. “Although I’ve never wished another man dead, I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.” Clarence Darrow.
Maybe Flake can find his spine and grow a pair then
False causation. Racists and Republicans (but I repeat myself) have always turned out to vote. This year was no different.