I wish McConnell a nice trip down a long flight of stairs. He so deserves it.
(Hear me Once. Hear me Twice. Hear me Thrice, Karma Witch – Think of Multiple Broken Bones and Think of Mitch.)
I wish McConnell a nice trip down a long flight of stairs. He so deserves it.
(Hear me Once. Hear me Twice. Hear me Thrice, Karma Witch – Think of Multiple Broken Bones and Think of Mitch.)
Flake is angling for a presidential run.
Based on the only record that matters, he has been a consistently reliable republican vote in the senate.
Hmmm. Yes, that would be nice. Susan Collins is another one. Murkowski, maybe. Corker?
Not going to even get my hopes up a little bit.
Got any sage?
ETA: make that eye of Newt.
Ah, that’s right: states elect AG’s, I forgot that.
If Harry Reid can fall off an exercise machine, the least McConnell can do is miss a few stairs.
Because Maryland, my Maryland, is an odd little state with surprises around many corners. Mr. Hogan is fairly centrist with little Donald John Trump poison in him.
As previously stated: Because it was immediately clear what McConnell was doing, Obama was advised to just go ahead and swear Garland in — but he declined to do so
He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun
In case of accidents he always took his mom
He’s the all-American bullet-headed Saxon mother’s son
All the children sing
Not to mention what Hogan may have learned from his dad.
Whom I’ve mentioned before: Decades ago, he was one of the Republicans in the House who excoriated Nixon from top to toe.
We can’t rewind.
It doesn’t matter what Obama didn’t do. It’s about what we can do going forward.
I was responding to the notion that “there’s nothing stopping Merrick Garland from sitting on the Supreme Court.”
Aside from that, if you really believe that the past does not matter …
Hoping to redeem himself with talk – just talk – of recusal, but aver that the ethics people did not provide sufficient justification for doing so. “I considered it, but…”
OF course not but there is no use in constantly hammering on something in the past.
We can still put Merrick Garland on the court.
Robert Mueller’s Final Report Executive Summary:
"The only reason the Special Counsel’s Office has not arrested Donald Trump is because U.S. Department of Justice policy, not the Constitution, prevents it. The Criminal charges against Mr. Trump would be varied and extensive, but sadly all of these pale against the most dangerous fact in that Mr. Trump is an agent of the Russian government- willing or not- and injuring our National Security.
Impeachment is not nearly strong enough to address all of these issues, but it is the only course remaining for a moral nation guided by the rule of law who is permitted access to all the facts."
/persona interpretation
It did not cost us the Senate. It was always a lopsided field with many more Dems up for reelection than R’s. There was never any serious contention that we would win the Senate. Republicans always vote. They did not spike, they did what they always do.
Whitaker is to dumb to realize it. But Maryland is doing him a great favor. Trump is already throwing him under the bus before he even gets to do the crimes.
Be careful about what you say. Every time I think, “what could be worse” they seem to respond with, “challenge accepted”