Discussion: Mary Landrieu Hangs On For Her Political Life In Hostile Territory

Discussion for article #230046

She’s done and so is the South. They’ve gone full troglodyte.


Absolutely infuriating. Instead of spending the lame duck session of Congress getting some things done with a majority vote, the Democrats are going to toss in the towel and pass REPUBLICAN legislation. Simply mind-boggling. Between these Landrieu shenanigans (which are so pathetically self-serving and useless) and the WV Dem chastising his own party, I’m at a loss what to do, I honestly don’t know if I can continue voting for a party this weak and willing to cave. It’s insulting to every Democrat who cares about Democratic issues.

Apparently the lesson they’ve all taken from last week is that, to win as a Democrat, you have to govern as a Republican.


Nice job TPM. I cannot imagine a more anti Democratic headline or story from the Drudge Report. Who needs the GOP to trash our candidate when Democrats can trash her themselves? Some of us in Louisiana are still working for and giving to Mary Landrieu, and are happy to do so because there would be no ACA without her vote. In the meantime, the Democratic version of the Tea Party in safe blue states will not be happy until we have 30 total Democrats in the Senate who accomplish nothing but all vote like Bernie Sanders.


I’m not sure I understand the frustration with TPM in your comment. Landrieu is essentially turning herself into a Republican to win this run-off, and how does that benefit Democrats? Did you see her quote? “I want to say yes to new majority leader Mitch McConnell."

I don’t think it’s a useless gesture to insist that Democrats govern like Democrats. That’s not insisting on purity, it’s simply asking for respect.


She’s finished. And her legacy will be enshrined with the Keystone Pipeline.


“Is Mary Landrieu A Dead Woman Walking?”
Um - that phrase is used for someone about to be executed. She just may loose an election is all, and if she does or not, she will be very much alive. This type of hyperbole belongs on Fox and other click bait type sites.

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Why should any Dem lift a finger to help her? The only thing she was ever good for was to make the 50th Senator to hold the majority or to be the 60th Senator to overcome a filibuster (which she never did anyway). We are honestly better off with her gone at this point. Put a Republican in that seat and let them be accountable for the mess they create, then find a candidate who will actually support the interests of the people the next time out.


I agree. If all these red state Dems are going to do is pull our party further right, which is exactly what they have been doing for decades now, then let the CONS have those seats, and when people finally get fed up with their crap, maybe they will wake up. What the Dems are doing, by allowing a few right wing Dems to further blur the lines between the two parties, is further alienating it’s base, who are the ones who did not come out to vote. The right panders to their base, while the Dems spit in our faces, and the KXL is not only spitting in our faces, but kicking us in the ass.


All of this brings shame upon the DSCC and Dems in general. If I were Landrieu I would fly in the face of “common wisdom” and beg President Obama to come to La. to fire up support among Dems of every color. And if I were the president I would go and do my utmost to bring in this win, as it would show all Obama still has plenty mojo.

This article is from over a year ago, about the many, many, many leaks already going on with the tar sand oil pipelines. How many of them have any of us heard about?


ALL of the things we have been warned about are true, and now the Dems want to hand over MY drinking water to these oil companies who do nothing to make these pipelines any safer. Really people the TRUTH is out there about how dangerous this crap is, but you can not depend on the corporate owned media, who rakes in MILLIONS every year from their sponsors, BIG OIL, to tell us. Remember Mayflower Arkansas, and the ExxonMobil tar sand oil leak? Well, unless you happened to catch the coverage of it on Rachel, then 99.99% of Americans have no clue what happened to that community, or the health of those that lived there, and were lied to by the oil company, that the noxious fumes in the air was nothing to worry about.


Yes, we must approve this symbolic and destructive pipeline to save Mary!

Surely it’s worth the price to our environment!

It appears both parties have gone off the deep end.

Sorry, America!


Does she have enough Democrat votes to pass it? If she goes through all this and it does not advance out of the Senate, suffice it to say, she might as well concede her run-off race right there on the spot.

Talking Points Memo: sure to be this year’s winner of the Most Tin-Eared Headline Writing Award.

scarbro this morning said the pipeline is going to provide thousands of well-paying american jobs; and will have absolutely no impact on the environment.
there wasn’t one voice of opposition to that claim… (oh, they did run several times a clip of landrieu campaigning and proudly reminding people how she refuses to stand with her caucus)

Oh well…I’m sure liberal Republicans will help President Obama out!

Hey! Why is everyone laughing and pointing…and why am I in this handbasket?

BTW: Sooo’ damned frustrating! When RepubliKKKlans lose elections, they decide they weren’t conservative enough; when Democrats lose elections, they decide the same fu*king thing.


All Landrieu needs to do is analyze why Dems lost, as in: get out the vote. Just get more voters out than the other guy. Simple.

But, she won’t do it.

I wish her well, and good riddance, in her retirement. She’s a Democrat, serving a Democratic administration that has accomplished a number of things to help the average American in spite of obstruction from the opposition that is unequaled in our nation’s history. Employment is up, deficits are down, terrorists are dead, and we’ve all got access to health insurance now.

Anyone who would run from such things isn’t doing their party any good and it won’t matter one bit if she’s reelected or not.

Please go away, Senator.


She is in 2014. However, she should consider running again in 2016.

eesh, this headline