Discussion: Martin O'Malley: I'm Not Running In 2020, 'But I Hope Beto O’Rourke Does'

Beto O’Rourke has no education or experience that qualifies him to do the job as President.

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When has that ever stopped anyone from being elected president?

Beto does scare the shit out of conservatives. A conservative columnist over at The Week wrote both these articles. One in November after the midterms, and the other one about two weeks ago.

Liberals’ infantile Beto fantasy

The 2020 Democratic frontrunner is a Republican

You know, when you can’t make up your mind which is true (they can’t both be) you’re just throwing shit out there to see what will stick. You do that kind of thing when you’re desperate or scared.


Me too!!!

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+1. Beto has the key thing, which is a natural ability to Appel to people, and to convince them of his basic goodness. People crave that. Presidents are often what the last one was not…

Beto is plenty smart, but has also shown the ability to listen and learn. That makes up for Lots of his inexperience.

My question is can he respond when needed in kind to the Republicans? The evidence from his race against Silvester rayes is yes.


A lot of people have compared him to RFK. I think that’s more accurate than saying he’s like Obama. Beto himself said he studied RFK’s campaign style. He can go negative, but he seems to regret it when he does. He did say he regretted using the Lying Ted phrase. Whoever wins on our side, I hope they have the ability to deliver a swift kick in the nuts to the Republicans if that’s what is needed to get their attention.


Three terms in Congress, BA from Columbia university. Life experience… what more do you want?

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Some executive experience, foreign policy experience, relevant education, and political success outside of winning a blue Congressional district.

Beto O’Rourke is totally unqualified to be President. Comparing him to RFK is a joke.

He would be destroyed in a national race against an experienced Republican candidate.

I think he’s both - he’s Obama with a splash of RFK. There is a lot of resemblance to RFK and it bleeds over into his style.

And georgeh just outed himself as a RW troll. The RW is terrified of Beto. And surprise, here is georgeh making negative comments about him.

he’s no leftwinger at all he just plays one online.


Beto apparently has the Bernie Bros is a tizzy…


What would that be? What presidents have had it?


Not to mention that, as far as I know, there is no correlation between “education or experience that qualifies him to do the job as President” and actual performance as President.

Expect to hear this a lot, though, as our dear little friend is extraordinarily persistent and even more so when there’s nothing to back up his rants.

Edited to add that I found this comment amusing, as Bernie has none of these attributes: “Some executive experience, foreign policy experience, relevant education, and political success outside of winning a blue Congressional district.”

Yeah, just look what a terrible job he did in a deep red state against an experienced Republican candidate.

Oh, wait…

Going after the same demographics in their support, I suspect.

A degree in law or economics, for example.

Like Abe Lincoln or Harry Truman?

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The little-noticed change that could boost Biden and hurt Bernie in 2020

Several states are ditching caucuses, which tend to benefit candidates with smaller but more fervent bases of support.

Really? You want to compare Beto O’Rourke to Abe Lincoln or Harry Truman? Do you have any idea what experience they both had before they became Presidents?

I find it fascinating to see this personality cult develop around an empty suit candidate like Beto O’Rourke.

He couldn’t beat the most hated man in the Senate in his Senate race despite having twice as much money and riding a Democratic election year wave. His debate performance against Cruz was mediocre.

The Democrats are going to have some great candidates in 2020 with both the demonstrated knowledge and experience to be President. Beto O’Rourke ain’t one of them.

Okay. Who do you want, then?

Somebody not named O’Rourke or Biden or Clinton or Sanders. :grinning:

Let’s wait to see who else is running, shall we?