Discussion: Mark Halperin Gins Up More 2016 Buzz For Someone Else Who Probably Won't Run For President

Discussion for article #224624

That’s what we need - fresh faces.

Personally, I think an Elizabeth Warren candidacy would get me more motivated than anything else.


Guess Tipper shouldn’t have divorced him. She’d of been the next first lady.

Please make it stop. If I hear one more inane piece of puffery about about Hillary Clinton imploding, I’m going to start unfollowing people. Enough already. Lately, every time she gives a speech they fall all over themselves wondering what her fee is and engaging in various genres of wealth envy they didn’t even subject Mitt RMoney to. Why? Because they’ve got nothing much else left to grouse about. She won. She used the book tour to let it all hang out there and by the time she announces most of this crap is going to be such yesterday’s news that nobody but Fox is going to exhume any of it. Note to pundits: “Hillary Fatigue” is just what she wanted to outlast all of the faux scandales. You obliged, with an assist from Reince Priebus.


Cool. Of course if Al Gore were to actually get in the race, Halperin would immediately pivot to explaining why Howard Dean was likely to be elected President.

The thing about making predictions that are not supported by reality, is that you don’t need to understand reality in order to make predictions that other people are willing to take seriously. Nice gig, if you can get it.


“Let me just say quickly, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t run for president I bet you John Kerry does,” Halperin said during a December appearance on MSNBC, leaving his fellow panelists stunned.

“I’m out of politics. I have no plans whatsoever. This is my last stop,” Kerry told CNN in February.

Halperin should really get out of the business of predicting. He’s absolutely awful at it.
Who takes the shit he says seriously???


You know, GW Bush is not prohibited from running for another term. We should give it some thought.

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John McCain because “this is great news for John McCain”.


It’s not that anyone takes Halperin seriously. It’s that people assume other people take Halperin seriously, therefore "Very Serious People’ have decided that Halperin should be taken seriously as someone that seriously represents what other people seriously believe in.

It’s sort of like when people say, well of course I didn’t actually like that trashy best-selling novel, but since it was a best-seller I had to read it just to know why everyone else thought it was worth reading.


Yeah. And I wish he would stop tweeting pix of his restaurant meals too.

Ha! I’m pretty sure GW Bush is prohibited from running for another term, but in the interest of making a Halperin-esque argument for arguments sake… If Bush did run again, the Greens could save a lot of money by recycling those old Bush=Gore signs.

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I don’t know if anyone caught this but cable news ratings are down across the board in all demographics. People are turning this garbage off. For me, it’s been at least 6 months since I spent more than 20 seconds on any cable news net and the last Gallup approval ratings for the news media put them at a lower approval number than Congress…LOWER THAN CONGRESS. The corporate “news” media is a dying institution, now losing about 20% of it’s audience a year…and this is a perfect example why that is, and why when they’re gone there, it won’t be a negative.



a Mark Halperin prediction? seriously?? (I detect just a bit of inflated self importance in those tweets, don’t you?)

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No, Tipper won’t run.

I agree.

I want to know why this is even taking space on TPM? This is just pure bullshit


" I think an Elizabeth Warren candidacy would get me more motivated than anything else."

I would love a Warren candidacy or even a Clinton/Warren ticket, or even a Gore/Warren ticket if we’re going to get all Halperin on the subject. Throw Russ Feingold into the mix and I’d be even happier. However I think the thing that will get me more motivated than anything else is thinking about future Supreme Court nominations.


Because it’s funny as hell when a jackass makes a fool of himself.


Halperin is a smug, self-satisfied, pompous blowhard.

His “predictions” are uniformly inane and generally wrong.

He’s a stupid person’s idea of a competent pundit.
This explains why the beltway media hangs on his every utterance.


Al and Tipper are not divorced.