Discussion: Maria Butina Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy

You can have several items with a singular focus. Imagine three spotlights focused on one place.

defensive much?

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You could be right. Time will tell (I hope).

I may have more confidence in the DOJ and its agencies.
That could change if peepee keeps managing to force out competent people.


You are a true romantic.
Yeah, they’re just a couple of crazy kids…


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As long as they can get Christoph Waltz to play David Pecker, I’ll watch!

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I’m sure there would be no shortage of domestic volunteers, no need for imports.


Well, we do have quite a bit of evidence regarding how careful the OSC has been. He appears to be up to the task.
Not all Republicans are traitors.


Even in the unlikely case that that’s true, she’s going to be waiting for a while because he’s almost certainly going to jail for a lot longer than her.


IIRC some government officials was defenestrated in Prague in 1617…

I know I may be hopelessly reaching… but I’m waiting for the day that this 2016 election is declared invalid. DJT won by illegal means and with the aid of a foreign (or multiple foreign) entites. Including our biggest foreign enemy in Russia. I dont want to have him in the history books with just an * after his name. I want his campaign and election to be shown for the scam that was from the start. Plus, I feel traitors and those involved in this conspiracy should be looking at more than 6 mos. The damage done in this short amount of time is far reaching.


Das ist richtig.

I learned about that in high school at the same time I was learning German. The German word for window is das fenster … de fenestr ation and Czechoslovakia. I put two and two together to get the wrong answer. I thought it was pulled into English from German.

Nope, It came in from Latin, de- fenestra, literally "down from the window. Roof in Latin is tectum, and I used parallel construction and some suffix abuse.


That’s it. This is the answer.

The problem for Putin is that the short term chaos and disorder he’s created is, long term, quite likely to coalesce into a more stable pattern with a Democratic governing majority that’s implacably hostile to him. He’s managed to arouse the lasting wrath of a lot people who were willing to meet a lot of aggressive acts with stern words (or, worse, outright appeasement) rather than see Cold War tensions flare up again. And, particularly with the NRA crippled or-in my dreams-dissolved, there will be no quick path back to respectability for the GOP that doesn’t entail being more hostile to Russia than the Democrats.

But grandiose machinations that bring short term gains and long term catastrophe is a recurring theme of authoritarian leaders.


And some, I assume, are good people.

Looking at what the Republicans have been doing it takes a pretty strong stomach to label yourself as one.


'Twas ever thus.


Be sure and give that to Santa…

Since they’re all so fond of coal, maybe he can deliver some to all their collective stockings.

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Their crimes are very different, as I read them. And it appears that hers have a maximum prison term of 6 months? Is that correct? Or is that just for the crimes they’ve indicted her for, “post plea”?

Because it does beg the question (there I go again! :smile:), why would she plea out if the longest she would serve is 6 months? She’d be free to go home safely in no time… with no danger of sipping toxic cocktails while dropping 18 stories from the back of a Soviet attack helicopter.

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Wasn’t Benicio del Toro’s character in “The Usual Suspects” named Fenster?

From the German or Latin? I’m going with Latin, since “Kaiser Söze” also came from that part of the world that mixes Latin and Cyrillic…

Agreed. But, I really didn’t mean that last part as snark.

More of a plaintive wail…

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I know almost nothing about German etymology, so what follows is abject speculation. The dictionaries are pretty clear that defenestration has its roots in Latin. But the German Fenster could easily be a loan-word from the Latin Fenestra.

del Toro was Fred Fenster in The Usual Suspects. Great recall on your part – I’d forgotten about that movie entirely!

If Mariia (How do you solve a problem like) Butina really cooperates with our law enforcement agencies, she ain’t never, never, never ever going back to Mother Russia. She probably is going into the Witness Protection Program, lest she be served a cup of 210Po tea with sides of ricin and Novochuk, followed by your suggested dehelicopteration. I think the dehelicopteration would have happen from the helicopter’s flight ceiling, though.

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I didn’t think you meant it as snark. I thought about it. Being a Republican didn’t use to be a badge of shame and I recognize a few motivations for remaining in that party which are moral. – such as a steely determination to take the party back. – but there is also the problem I referenced with my snark.

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