Discussion: Marco Rubio's Double Game: Will It Work?

Discussion for article #235308

Marco Rubio, boy candidate.

This kid just doesn’t have that intangible called gravitas. If, by some miracle, he was nominated, he’d carry the Cuban vote locked in a 1950’s time warp, but that would be it.

Reminds me of every jerk who ran for class president every semester to establish himself as a “leader”. Ugh!



He sure gets a lot of coverage at TPM…

Why not lift some rocks and see what Ted Cruz is up to ?


He tried to escape the mold with immigration reform, but the tea party extended a tentacle, wrapped it around his leg, and told Rubio he would have to give up the limb if he wanted to escape. He opted to keep the limb.

The Tea Party will remember the escape attempt, and the other side of the aisle will remember his about face.


My wife’s folks just spent the last few weeks driving around in Cuba. They concluded that Cuba’s biggest need at the moment is some rational form of trash collection. Probably more infrastructure would also help. The problem for Rubio, who, along with Cruz, is that they have finally arrived at the party, but probably a decade too late. The Batista exiles are all dying off, and whatever the Mafia expected to get back in Havana, it seems like nobody other than a few reps in Florida even care. Cuba has moved on and so has the US. The Age of Gusanos and Campaneros is over, and Rubio is irrelevant to the people who pushed so hard to get him into high office.


Rubio is Hispanic; he is not Latino. Latinos’ origins/ancestry are Latin-American countries. Latinos don’t generally share the Latino ethnic identity with Cubans, in part because Latinos are persecuted in the US, while Cubans aren’t. I suppose he’ll get some Latino votes, but Latinos, as a voting bloc, aren’t going to support him.


Marco is not alone…Scotty is a Jeddi Master at telling people where he stands just before
he winds up doing just the opposite.

Reminds me of a story I heard while working in national politics about Huey Long and Louisiana
politics. All during one campaign he told voters where he stood on some important issue, but after he
was elected, told a staff member that he was about to do just the opposite.

“But Huey,” the staffer told him, “what do I say to your constituents?”

Huey looked up and said, “Tell 'em I lied!”

At least Huey was honest about his perfidy.


Or Perry, Carson, Huckabee, Santorum. Christie, Fiorina. Do ya think Mike Pence is still thinking about it (grin)?

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Marco Rubio’s Double Game: Sham-Scam-Thank-You-Ma’am!



Yes they are all phonies. You left out Ted Cruz The biggest phoney of all. The absolute elitist aristocrat being completely bankrolled by secretive billionaires who are only looking forward to the quid pro quo if he ever got elected. All the while playing to his low information, working class tea party base on social issues.


Will it work?

No. He will fold just like Pawlenty did in 2012 when he comes in with only 1% of the Iowa Straw Poll.


Hey TPM! Don’t forget about all the other clowns in the GOP’s car. RubeEO’ is DOA with his “rush to the 50’s” campaign. He’s a balding ‘one of THOSE people’ curiosity for the Baggers and Rightie Woowoos who rule the GOP primaries.
Give us the whole breathtaking spectrum of lunacy the Republicans are rolling out for their “Cirque du SoLame” 2016 tour. Their primary season promises to be a real “Freakapalooza’”!


He’s the flava of the day. Jeb and Cruz and Ayn-Boy got theirs after they announced. Now its Cottonmouth’s turn.

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Senator Cottonmouth will never be President.

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I hope so.

Closing statements for the GOP’s 2016 Iowa primaries:

Jeb Bush: “I’m not Hispanic; I only play one when I vote.”
Scott Walker: “I have to take a call from Mr. Koch…excuse me.”
Ted Cruz: “I like Iowa’s green eggs and ham.”
Marco Rubio: “…~can’t talk; needs aqua!~”
Ben Carson: “My fellow Caucasians…”
Rick Perry: “…Oops!”
Paul Ryan: “I got coupons for you old people…”
Carly Fiorina: “I headed Hewlett Packard ___~oh shit!~”
Bobby Jindal: “Piyush is my cat’s name…”
Frothy Rick Santorum: “Jesus…”
Mike Huckabee: “JUUU-EEEE-ZUS-UH!”
Rand Paul: “Monkey Pancakes…”

(Sorry for some of the never-will-be-there candidates; it’s just such a target rich environment.)


Um, it didn’t work for the Mittbot 3000, so why do you even bother asking the question???

I don’t care what Rubio’s game is. It’s what he and his disgusting repub party stands for that should alarm all (especially women). How could any free thinking independent woman vote repub? We are not talking about one woman’s view about abortion. We are talking about the future of women in our country for generations to come. I consider any woman who votes repub to be a traitor to her gender.


Why all the fuss about Rubio? He isn’t going to be nominated ( either Jeb or Walker will ) and he is a zero when it comes to Hispanics. He’s NOT an Hispanic. He’s a Caribbean Islander and that’s how the Hispanic’s in America see him. I have an Hispanic wife and most of my friends are Hispanic. They are of Peruvian, Ecuadorean, Costa Rican and Mexican ancestry…they are Hispanic. None of them consider a Puerto Rican, Dominican, Haitian or Cuban a brother. It doesn’t work that way. He’s far too White ( ask a Hispanic about that…) and his track record of late will get him nowhere with that community.

The media made Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. By themselves and taken for who they really are they are silly nothings. Now Rubio is getting that same treatment.


Is the GOP/Republican/Teabagger Party really trying to pretend that they are ready and want a President Marco Rubio? I don’t think so, this guy is all for show. They have a few blacks around, a couple mean girls and pale Cuban/Not Mexican guys like Rubio and Cruz around for window dressing diversity purposes. You can bet your Cuban cigar and your bottom peso that when the dust settles it will be an older white guy preaching border security and deportation that the righties put forth.

The any dumb female will work method, Palin, also won’t work with the, any dumb sort of Hispanic. method. Rubio is basically useless and working for his own ends and future and not remotely America’s.