I want the most rabid teabagging repub to win the nomination. Why? Because that is who the repub party is. I’m sick and tired of them putting up a so called moderate (McCain & Romney). Let them show the voters who they are and what they stand for. Repubs suck on oh so many levels. We here know that. How could anyone in the country not know?
There is not much more I can add to eggrollian or to you, Rosie.
Your very much needed differentiation between “Latino” and “Hispanic” is spot on. Rubio and his ilk are shape shifters (usually preying on Low Information individuals in this country who lump Spanish-speakers together). When I mention people like him to actual Latinos I get responses both in Spanish and English which I will not repeat on this website.
Nobody can reform the GOP, because the institution has become too powerful and entrenched. It’s the party where ideas and willpower go to die.
At least he won’t be name dropping NFL and NASCAR team owners, because somebody told him he has to try to relate to normal people somehow.
Ironic that this child candidate is talking about Bush and Clinton being old news while he’s pledged allegiance to worn-out ideas and failed policies that are older than he is.
Rubio makes Mitt look like George Washington in terms of honesty.
You also have to look at IA,NH,NV and SC and ask what his reasonable chances of winning any of those early states are?
Wha? LOL
Soon to be the triple game. He was for immigration reform than against it, now for it again until he is against it again in debates. Cruz is going to have a field day with Rubio bragging about doing more on immigration than Hillary. Can’t wait to see those debates.
Who’d bother interrupting a good game of dominoes to vote for this guy?
Okay … I’m in love with you for that one, at least until the next great tag line comes along. I’m so cheap and easy … LOL
Cruz is boring. He’s a parrot for his crazy father.
I know this sounds like a silly question but does anyone know if a Senator raises a shitload of money running as President, and then later purposely drops out, with all that money still in various coffers…can he legally still use that cash or PAC money and apply it to his Senatorial campaign or run for Governor?
If a candidate can, that’s a hell of a way to get the whole nation to contribute to your very local State race in the end (even intentionally with that in mind), with little effort expended having to go around your own constituents to get them to pony up for your political ambitions. If so, that’s also one hell of a major scam being perpetrated on the public. I’m sure if there’s a will there’s a way ever since they gutted campaign finance laws. I suspect getting PAC money from billionaire donors and all those other personal donations transferred in service of those aims, is at the root of many of these candidates goals, who basically have no chance in hell getting elected President, but want to run for state office with an automatic cushion of cash readily available.
And my guess is that this practice of getting on the gravy train in the first place running for President is the main motivating factor by some of these bozos…I know they can’t use the money for personal use, but for some other office within the same election year or even two years later???
He is a good speaker
He can barely read a teleprompter. His brain maybe wanted to announce of his candidacy but his tongue wouldn’t cooperate. He sounded like he wanted to cry.
None of the Republican candidates have enough gravitas to even win their primary although one of them must do so. Romney was an idiot and would have taken the US in directions it should not go but he would not have run the country into the ground. These folks would crash and burn the country much faster than Bush did.
He can’t even keep his family’s history straight let alone understand what is going on in the world.
Rubio was never possessed any of those things the reporter espouses would cure what ails the GOP. So the entire premise of this story is flawed. I couldn’t get past the first couple paragraphs, it’s just rubbish.
Rubio is not now and has never been a reformer, a talented politician, or a gifted speaker. He’s just a back bencher in a GOP that has such a weak bench, he’s now seen as a major figure in the party. It’s pathetic, but please, let’s not pretend Rubio could have ever been any sort of GOP savior. You’re just embarrassing yourself.
Right. And frankly in terms of touting Mr. Rubio as a “person of color,” that’s a stretch too. My brother-in-law is Cuban and he’s black. But there are Cubans who’s ancestors are from Spain. Most people don’t think of those from Spain as a person of color. Not that it really matters to me, I just find it annoying when the GOP tries to put Rubio out there as the candidate to reach people of color and “mexicans.”
“Marco Rubio’s Double Game: Will It Work?”
Context matters…i.e., the question of “when” and “on whom” needs to be added and the answers are interrelated.
Doublethink candidacy works on some of the GOP/Teatroll basers. This is not because they actually want a moderate candidate. They just want one who can APPEAR to be moderate. They absolutely love the idea that they can “trojan horse” their radicalized conservative agenda into being. If Rubio can pull off a somewhat credible promise to successfully execute the etch-a-sketch maneuver, WITH THE MSM’S BLATANT ASSISTANCE, then he’s likely to grab up some of the GOP/Teatroll base for precisely that reason during the primary. What matters to them is winning at all costs and by saying whatever it takes…then doing whatever the flying fuck they want once in office. They’re well aware that their policies are not majority-popular and that they need a candidate who can scoop up right-leaning centrists and “independents” or whoever else they can get their hands on to counterbalance demographic shifts. They think of these people as stupid, gullible, but useful, dupes whose votes they can extort by promising moderation, only to turn around and enact a batshit crazy conservative wish list of policies designed to erase everything that has occurred since 1950-something and effectively press the “reset” button on the 20th century.
The problem is that, WITHOUT THE MSM’S BLATANT ASSISTANCE, the doublethink candidacy does not work on most people, so it presents grave issues during the general. Even with that assistance it’s dubious. It will not fool Dems, obviously, but it also won’t fool minorities, women, and most independents. It’s too precarious, even with the MSM trying desperately to plug the holes created by the abject hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance it requires just ot save the horse race narrative. It can work on an isolated issue or two (heck, you can even use Obama’s “evolution” on gay marriage as an example if you’re so inclined) but it cannot work on an entire candidacy and it absolutely cannot work, no matter the amount of winking, on certain central, hot-button wedge issues that rile the base in question, which is a massive problem for the GOP/Teatrolls because they’ve spent the past 6+ years orchestrating a gleefully goose-stepping diaspora off the right side of the political spectrum. They ran right off the edge. Now, Rubio can’t afford during the primary to appear moderate on issues like abortion, gay marriage, the imaginary war on Christianity or anything to do with brown people taking over the country. He has to say the “right” things (pun intended) or he’s toast. To go back on these things exposes him during the general to (a) attrition in his own voting base as those not hip to the “trojan horse” attempt become disheartened or resentful and (b) demonstrable proof of double-talk and hypocrisy, i.e. the “trojan horse” attempt exposed, which is an absolute killer of credibility with most people, including the fence-sitters.
For example, with Mittens, the exposure of his 47% comments was a killer not just because they were facially disgusting, but because it exposed that all of his lip service to the middle-class was just that: disingenuous lip service. It was a peek inside his trojan dressage horse…all painted pretty and dancing to the polling data’s tune, but really just full of self-centered spite and plutocratic avarice. Once all his promises of what he’d do FOR us were revealed as a superficial veil for what he actually intended to do TO us, he was toast. Same for any candidate.
What it comes down to is that the only reason we’re even seeing this kind of nonsense is that the GOP/Teatrolls are desperately clinging to their newly uber-radicalized, but debunked and rejected, ideology and policy agenda. They know it’s not majority-popular, they know it’s a sinking ship, they know it’s only getting worse for them the longer they push it and yet they adamantly refuse to change any of it, so they’ve moved on to trying to sneak it past us. As that grows more and more obvious, it’s going to do more and more damage to them and I think, or at least can only hope, that 2016 proves to be a year that bears out that hypothesis even more so than 2012 did.
That is an excellent question. Hopefully we’ll hear from someone who actually has an answer.
I’ve wondered about this myself, particularly with regard to people who will never hold any elected office again, such as Huckabee.
I think (but don’t know for sure) that the only thing someone like the Huckster could do is donate the campaign donations bribes he’s received to other politicians (or maybe to a charity?)
Who knows the answer? Inquiring minds want to know!