Sounds promising.
Chris Christie might recommend some excellent people who were absolute bloodhounds pursuing the truth.
Also, I believe OJ is still hunting for the real killers.
Can we pass a simple law in this country to make it a serious felony for soulless lobbyists to undermine US interests in the world by working for big $$$$$ to install bad actors to rule other countries that are diametrically opposed to US interests?
Maybe we could call it Manafort’s Law.
This is such a distraction from the actual crime we need to be investigating: Killary’s email server!
When reading stories like this, and the super-complicated setups and massive amount of energy spent to obsfucate activities, I like to pretend that it’s not about lobbying efforts, but about getting kids three square meals a day, and new schoolbooks.
Cheat and retreat. Rinse and repeat.
Another Drumpf Deadbart type is in trouble with the authorities, as well.
Where’s the money? Milo Yiannopoulos denies he spent cash for charity fund
Former director of ‘privilege fund’, which Yiannopoulos set up for white men to balance scholarships for women and minorities, says money was mismanaged
Yiannopoulos, 32, the technology editor for, has raised his profile in recent months by hounding the Ghostbuster actor Leslie Jones, which earned him a ban from Twitter, and by championing the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, whom he calls “daddy”.
Should have named their lobbying effort Dark Lords Inc …
Where’s Ted Cruz when you really (finally) need him?
Nothing like a Senate Investigation to keep things amusing…
Kellyanne Conway was apparently a Cruz supporter until recently
“Hanged, Drawn and Quartered Inc” is also nice.
The sudden resignation Friday of Donald Trump’s campaign chairman put renewed emphasis on revelations about his past work on behalf of Ukraine’s pro-Russian political leaders, including his firm’s role directing a covert Washington lobbying operation that would have required him under federal law to disclose his efforts to the Justice Department.
So Crooked Trump hired a secret Russian agent as his campaign manager.
Maybe she’s a Trojan’s horse.
Note: Please, please, please do not feel the need to discuss condoms or sex in relation to Conway in any responses!
I saw that at NYT. Judicial Watch, which has been pursuing the Clintons since the 90s, has persuaded a judge to demand written testimony under oath as to why and where and when. She will also be rated on her punctuation, spelling and grammar and timeliness in submitting said report.
@oceanica She looks like an amoeba, sexless.
What a shitshow of corruption! Just a teeny corner of the real world of international relations, and the everyday flow of money and influence. It is at least good to see how blithely the laws are ignored, and how thugs like Manafort build careers of money and influence armed with only the skills of a vintage protection racket captain of our own U.S. mafia.
This is what is known as a tangled web.
They have intentionally obfuscated and layered over the true intentions and real connections to create a plausible deniability.
Which upon being scrutinized is collapsing and the whole enterprise is guilty as well as the parts.
There will be numerous charges and now Trump is involved because he chose to get in bed with this sleazy crowd. The cat is out of the bag.
It’s real, Trump is working with the Russians and their America undermining subversives and was throwing it in America’s face. Unfriekingbelievable!
There is so much hay to be made here. The Democrats just need one outlet like Breitbart or World Net Daily, just one, to go off on what this all is and splatter it all over the internet and all social media.
Hillary’s email issue is small peanuts, a speck on a gnats ass compared to this.
Trump is a Russian agent surrounded by Russian agents and married to a mole, OMFG!
No, it’s not at all promising. It’s purest cynicism. It’s calling in Captain Renault to investigate the disturbing rumors that there’s a “secret” casino in the back of Rick’s Cafe Americain.
These people build themselves tissue thin pretexts of simulated good faith based upon opinions of counsel. The difference between profit and jail in the lobbying on behalf of psychopathic dictators business is manufacturing evidence that they did not have the mens rea necessary to convict them of a crime. First the lawyers provide them with an opinion of counsel attesting to the likely legality of the thing they want to do and then, when it all blows up, they investigate the web of tissue thing pretexts that shockingly prevented them from discerning the true facts. Oh, it’s shocking, shocking to imagine that a kleptocratic puppet dictator’s cronies would use a non-profit to launder payments to lobbyists. Who in their business could possibly have imagined such an infamous scheme?
Is it a reasonable inference that their belief they needed to hire lawyers to “investigate the legality” of their actions mean they knew full damn well what was going on? Of course. Are the lawyers they hire to do that for them perfectly well aware that their job is to manufacture cover, not actually uncover the facts that everybody already knows? Oh yes. But these lobbyists ecological niche is the shadow cast by the beyond a reasonable doubt standard. And that’s well understood.
This intricately choreographed, well-practiced minuet is K Street at its very worst. Not the lobbyists for skeevy industries trying to convince Congress and regulatory agencies not to do things in the public interest that will cut into their profits. Nope. This right here.
You see the same nasty symbiosis at work between the lawyers who provide opinions on the legality of tax evasion schemes and the institutions that sell the shelters, between Wall Street when it’s concocting some new kind of inconceivably complex new derivative as a vehicle for pure thieving and securities lawyers. But this is where you see it at its cynical worst.
That’s exactly what I said, Steve. I was also going to use Nixon’s claim that he had launched his own investigation into Watergate, but I thought it would be overkill.
If, one day, Trump flies his private jet to Russia seeking asylum, I say, good and good riddance.