Well, good for Hillary. That takes cojones. Which, in contrast to Don the Con, she has.
Don the Con has only gall.
I just hope Hillary isn’t making deals with the devil to get these donors support and money
A good counterpunch to Peter Thiel. We knew he was an outlier and Meg has run as a Republican.
More endorsements have probably been arranged, and will be announced at regular intervals. Gets more coverage that way.
What choice does Whitman have? What choice does any sane republican have?
It’s either Hillary or Trump. She doesn’t have to make any deals, does she?
You don’t think Donald Trump is quietly talking to dissatisfied prominent Democrats behind the scenes, listening to their concerns, assuaging their fears of going against their own party, engaging in substantive policy discussions, and appealing to their patriotism and desire for a steady, rational Commander in Chief?
Geez, be careful what you write! I nearly brained myself falling off my chair laughing.
So what? No one will change his vote because of Whitman, a first class idiot.
wow, that Trump is subtle, subtle I say…
This is a BFD, and its impact cannot be underestimated. Clinton reached out to her and she’s reaching out to other prominent deep pocketed R women (“Mrs. Clinton is aggressively courting Republican leaders”). Whitman outspent Jerry Brown when she ran against him for governor of California, he won, but she has more where that came from. I sent her a message thanking her for her support. One California girl to another.
@chelsea530 She’s saying it loud and proud, and it’s the first of many defections we’ll see.
@monstrto911 Elaborate on why Whitman is a first class idiot or STFU.
I’m sure those dissatisfied prominent Democrats would be happy to pony up, but their student loans are already eating into their budgets.
And we could we please stop thinking the worst about anything Hillary does?
And which dissatisfied Democrats might those be? I can’t say any names jump to mind.
Obama gave us hope when we sorely needed it but was stymied at every turn. I think Hillary will give us results. Ladies know how to get things done without all the alpha male ego bullshit.
The more Republicans that are brave/patriotic/sane enough to publicly oppose Trump, and in a substantive way like endorsing an opponent, the more cover for others to do so. This emboldens resistance to Trump and is a good thing. I don’t think Whitman will end up in the Cabinet, so I don’t see a downside.
Thank you. That is exactly what I was thinking. It plays directly into GOP and certain medias hands.
Where is Hillary? Is she just keeping quiet and let the trump and the gop destroy themselves?
Susan Sarandon? This guy: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Vvamaijl--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/sgaiugh5qqoyax31ieid.jpg
Hard to make deals with the devil when you’re the devil yourself.
This is silly. What sort of deals do you think she needs to make with Meg Whitman, when she has Warren Buffett on her side?
She’s got a fairly simple proposition for these people. Do you think you’ll be richer with the threat of nuclear war or without the threat of nuclear war.