Discussion: Major Conservative Group Asks For Donations To 'McDaniel Legal Fund'

Discussion for article #224703

Goes to show ya, there’s a Republican sucker born every minute.


“We know that more Republicans voted for Chris McDaniel than Thad Cochran in the primary and the runoff,”

Just like;

We know that more real 'mericans voted for Mitt Romney than Barack Obama in the 2012 election. We can’t let conservative christianist 'merica to be hijacked by illegals.


Is it illegal for a registered Democrat to give? I am tempted to keep the entertainment going.


I was thinking the same thing. But then I thought, what if they use the money to lobby to cut food stamps? So I decided I’d just watch.


Zactly. To be a True Republican ™ one must vote for McLoser.


It says that the legal fund is a separate account, so donors can give up to $2,600 even if they previously donated to McDaniel’s campaign.

Let’s say he rakes in a bunch of money into this separate, legal-challenge-only fund. And then let’s say a week from now he says “oh well, we tried” and sends all the lawyers home.

In that case, can that money be used to retire campaign debt?

I ask because I’ve only seen two plausible explanations for why McDaniel is still hanging around, kicking and screaming about “the wrong people” and so forth. One is that he’s exactly the vindictive child he’s acting like, willing to burn down the Republican party to save it from the taint of black folk. And the other is that he’s just trying to make sure he doesn’t miss a fundraising opportunity. Every dollar he pays off now is one he won’t have to raise at the start of his next campaign, after all.


What is the law in Mississippi when voting in a run-off?

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Is it illegal for a registered Democrat to give?

Depends. You’re not black, are you?


The Senate Conservatives Fund is just trying to help McDaniel pay off his campaign debt. They like to take care of each other.

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What is the law in Mississippi when voting in a run-off?

Anyone registered can vote, unless you previously voted in a different party’s primary in the same election cycle.

There’s a law on the books–long since struck down–that says you can’t vote in any primary (or run-off, I suppose) unless you fully intend to vote for whoever the nominee is in the general election. Which, as TPM hilariously pointed out, means McDaniel probably shouldn’t have been permitted to vote, since he’d expressed skepticism that he could support Cochran if Cochran won. But anyway, it’s not enforceable.


This McTantrum takes me back to Norm Coleman not admitting defeat to Al Franken. The difference is that Coleman was playing out every card until Teddy passed or, at least, could no longer be present to vote. This twit seems to just feel, like Romney, he’s entitled - voters be damned.

Both are despicable slugs.


As much as I like Republican infighting, I don’t get the sneering and the comparisons (McDaniel = Coleman).

If you look at it objectively, McDaniel has a point. It is infuriating to loose the runoff bc your opponent shamelessly appeals to Democrats to cross lines and vote for him. Yes, I know, it was legal. But legitimacy is another cuppa tea, and to insist that the Republican nominee should be selected by Republicans is not really a strange request. There is a reason why almost all states have closed primaries.

And since you can’t have voted in the Democratic primary in the first round in order to be allowed to penetrate the Republican primary in the runoff, he might even have a legal case. Nobody knows until people have found out whether Cochran’s voters actually are clean on that front or not.

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From the $arah Pay-me skool of Ft. Knox


It only becomes “illegal” if you lose. Standard GOP tactic and position.


These right-wing grifters never stop, do they? Sarah Palin has it down to an art form, but even a relatively minor figure like McDaniel knows how to fleece the rubes.


Look on the bright side. What with all the Teabaggers sending in their beer money, I bet some hard working small town cops appreciate a few less town drunks on Saturday night.


It’s an open primary.

EPIC FAIL, Tea Breath.


Conservatism…It’s All About The Grift.


“We can’t allow the GOP establishment to illegally use Democrats to steal the election”
Very honorable sounding words from a degenerate, scum, hypocrite…that prefers to peek into people’s very private lives.
But, if the situation was reversed…we all know, he would have done the same thing.
Politics is Politics…you lost, asshole!! Live with it!! Next time, you come up with it first.