Discussion: Major Conservative Group Asks For Donations To 'McDaniel Legal Fund'

For a party that used to support “tort reform”, they sure do find a lot of excuses to sue.


The first rule of anyone doing business with a political entity is to get cash up front. Legal offices, hotels, anyone and everyone knows to get cash on the barrel head.

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Give till it hurts.

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Some of his best friends are black?

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@ Hugo, McSlime has no point at all. It was an open primary. If you don’t want the other party voting in your primary, close it to party members. Surely the Repubs in Mississippi have enough juice to get it done.I have zero sympathy for him.
It aint beanbag.


“…asking for donations…”

Just don’t call it “living off other people’s honest labor”.


You don’t know whether McTantrum’s voters are ‘clean’ on that front either — what with the Libertarian penetration of the Tea Party and what with the Democratic Establishment having a preference for running against the McLoser.

If you don’t like the open primaries in Mississippi stop sniveling that the law is unfair and change it. I’m pretty sure that Mississippi has been run by Rethuglicans on the state level for some time now.


I hope that the Senate Conservatives Fund goes beyond Thad Cochran-Chris McDaniels to the root of the rot in the Republican party – corporate kleptocrats like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, and others in the Republcian party who want to destroy individual liberties, wage a war on women and loot the Treasury for their corporate benefactors. These so-called Republican leaders are individuals “whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”


Also, some of the sneering is due to the fact that McLoser is a sore loser. His side is making phony claims – such as more people were disqualified by voting in the Democratic primary than actually voted in the Democratic Primary. He is also offering money for reports of cheating which strongly suggests that he does not have the evidence to show fraud. So it looks more like an attempt to discredit the outcome of a valid election than anything else.

If there were enough people who had voted in Democratic primaries and then the Republican runoff, he’d have a case but so far we are not seeing it.

And the use of language by the Senate Conservative Fund to raise money is slimy. They said "“and we can’t allow the GOP establishment to illegally use Democrats to steal the election” which imputes illegality to both the GOP establishment and the Democrats which is not warranted. A fairer rendition is as follows: “and we can’t allow the GOP establishment to iegally use Democrats to beat McSlime in the election.”

Face it. Your guy was outsmarted. Stop trying to unskew the runoff.


I encourage everyone with a PayPal account to donate $0.01 (yes, one whole US American penny) monthly.

Note that it will cost them $0.30 to receive that penny. That makes it seem Fair and Balanced to me.


Voters in MS don’t register with a party - so there aren’t ANY registered Democrats or Registered Republicants in MS.

So any concern with legality based on party registration is null & moot.


This thing is still going on? Wow talk about a sore loser.


If that’s your request, seek to eliminate the open primary law and require registration by party prior to voting. If you didn’t do that, you’re a hypocrite to criticize encouragement of cross-party voting in the primary, and just STFU.


“We know that more Republicans voted for Chris McDaniel than Thad Cochran in the primary and the runoff,” the group’s email says, "and we can’t allow the GOP establishment to illegally use Democrats to steal the election.

Hey, jackasses, it was an open primary - not limited to Republicans, and not illegal to court Democrats.

If that bothers you, well, maybe Republicans should have thought of that possibility way the hell back when they opened the primaries on a non-partisan basis so they could court racist Dixiecrats.

You’re reaping what you’ve sown, idiots.


“There is a reason why almost all states have closed primaries”

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin all have open primaries. Illinois, Ohio, and Louisiana have something very close.

So, not quite as singular as you tried to make it sound.

“If you look at it objectively, McDaniel has a point”

Yes, he does. His point is that he wants the rules changed after the fact. The only reason he is complaining is A) He lost. B)He wasn’t bright enough to come up with the plan himself and C)he couldn’t convince a Dem to vote for him, especially a black Dem, if his soul depended upon it, even if he had thought of it.

Legitimacy is awarded for winning the primary by the rules. Cochran won by the rules. He is the legitimate republican Senate candidate from Mississippi. Everything else you mention is crying.


aaaah, these must be membersof the 47 percent who like free stuff. the people who are lazy and just want hand outs all of the time. because if they really needed funding to support mcdaniel, they would get a job and find a way to raise the money. and that also includes mcdaniel. these 47 percent people feel entitled, that’s what it is!

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That Citizens United ruling is going to be that defining moment when American politics jumped the shark, and fundraising became flagrantly an end in itself.

A self-sustaining micro-economy of consultants, lawyers, lobbyists, 501©4(tp) “public interest” organizations, PAC’s, hacks, flacks, shock jocks, Fox and dumb focks, is getting paid either way, completely divorced from who gets elected or what policies they try to enact.

Remember when the Teasquats advertised a convention starring Sarah Palin but Sarah wasn’t going to be there and they kept the ticket money anyway? I loved that. Grifting by using the name of a famous grifter.

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Shorter McDaniel: Fo’ shizzle, ma nizzle!

Prolly get more $$$$$$ from illegal defense extortion…