Discussion for article #233822
They can take away our cellphones while driving, but they can never take our FREE DUMB!
Not likely to happen. The Insurance companies will pitch a bitch and the politicians will cave.
infringes on people’s freedom to make personal decisions
Sure, so do laws that require babies to be in car seats, laws that say you can’t drive drunk, building codes that specify safety features like smoke detectors and stair railings and minimum roof load, and laws that say you can’t have open unconstrained fires in your back yard. Just really dumb Luddite logic!
Growing up, dad always claimed that a seafood diet promoted healthy brain function. Maybe the folks in the state house and those that have elected them should give it try given the lunacy dominating the political process in those parts.
Doesn’t harm others? They must hate their first responders.
The Maine law in no way infringes personal freedom. Anyone in Maine is 100% free to not wear a seat belt, as long as they pay a fine for doing so. Call it a tax on stupidity, a concept, I thoroughly support.
Talk about race to the bottom!
To gop/bags, nothing says freedom like being propelled through the windshield.
The myth that hands-free devices are less distracting than hand-held devices is just that: a myth.
Also, to the morons in the legislature, government is trying to protect the rest of us from idiots like you, because when you get into a horrific accident that requires millions of dollars of medical care, easily avoidable had you been wearing a seat belt, guess who pays?
Freedom from responsibility!
“If the bill passes, Maine’s Bureau of Highway Safety would lose almost $500,000 a year in federal grants that pay for educational programs and child safety seats for low-income families”
Aaaaaaah, the REAL reason for RWNJs wanting to do this. It’s not even ME’s state funding, but fuck it…it’s helping the poor, so it must be stopped at all costs. Besides, it’s presumably the poor and undereducated (Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “minorities”) who will go without their seatbelt, right? So how could it possibly be justified to have laws in place that screw up an opportunity to get rid of more of them?
How f*cking stupid can you get. This reminds me of Sen. Tillis’ (R-Idiot)
idea that employees in the service sector shouldn’t have to wash their hands because - freedom. There’s no expense to the employer mandating they wash their hands but - freedom.
I blame the scourge of LePew and his teabagging legislature 100% on the ME voters. No excuses. None.
If you have no dependents, no one at your job who will suffer an adverse impact from you being dead, no friends ditto, then, sure, a law like this is only protecting you from yourself. But even then, there’s the completely unnecessary psychological trauma for the police and medical personnel who have to clearn up the mess that used to be you.
Hmm, maybe if we just require that everyone who wants to not use a seatbelt have a current organ donor card it would all even out.
I can complain when they want to send someone else’s kids to war; I got no complaints about this.
Because… freedumb?
Arizona is a state in which the legislature thinks using a cellphone while driving is some sort of birth right. It pisses me off. My state senator was the 1st in the nation (8 years ago) to offer up a distracted driving bill. The response then was “AZ shouldn’t be a nanny state”. It’s a hot button issue with me.
Hey, I know…lets us have guns in bars and schools too!! My state (AZ) is half way there allowing you to carry your treasured hogleg to your favorite watering hole w/o complaint.
Freedom to listen to an incessant beeping noise from inside your dashboard! I wonder if there are still any cars in production that will let you drive unbuckled without electronic irritation.
Surely you have discerned the actual reason for this idiotic bill. Hats off to you!!!
Unfortunately, there probably aren’t enough people still living who can remember life without seat belts because I can’t imagine that the cleanup was tame to look at much less having survived. I’m an old woman and all my memories are of being in a car with a seat belt.
Not only that but injuries from not wearing seat belts costs everyone in the state via medical costs for those who are not insured and at its worst, lifelong care for those disabled in an accident because they didn’t wear a seat belt. Let’s not forget that kids learn from their parents and seeing them wear their seat belts encourages kids to continue the practice into adulthood.
The Teapers and Libertarians are taking “personal freedom” to ridiculous levels. I don’t care what they do as long as it doesn’t cost me money which this stupidity will do. Everyone’s insurance rates will go up as a result of this nonsense.