Discussion: Maine Considers Revoking Seat Belt Requirement Just Days After 75-Car Pileup

Ah, New Hampshire. Live free AND die. Just the people we want to emulate.


Don’t want to wear a seatbelt don’t, but be required to sign a waiver that leaves you and the public free from paying any hospital bills as only immediate first aid will be covered! After you’re stabilized, you’ll be sent home unless you have the cash to continue your treatment! Kind of like battlefield triage!
This way everyone wins, the taxpayers aren’t footing your bills, neither are the insurance companies! You win cause your a big dope!


The last thing the dumb but free people will feel is the “free, fresh wind in their air, life without care. . . .” and then dead


Maine. Where there is a terrible tea bag governor.


You’re practicing common sense on a Monday morning, and Maine wants none of that.


Libertarian Lickspittle. Ridiculous idea of course. That’s why this will gain traction by the rightwing. Its in their DNA.


So then getting rid of this law is a way of “cutting taxes” and “saving taxpayers money”. Since of course taxes are more important than peoples lives.


“Government exists to protect us from each other, not to protect us from ourselves,”

Dear government, please protect me from the morans.


Live free and die stupidly.


This proposal is so dead-in-the-water that there isn’t a single mention of it anywhere on any of the state’s major newspapers’ web sites, not even in articles on a bill currently under debate to stiffen distracted-driving laws.

Meanwhile, the Maine DHHS continues to be a complete debacle, the Maine CDC is completely rudderless and operating under the shadow of scandal, Maine continues to not only to refuse to expand Medicaid but is actually making Medicaid available to fewer and fewer people, a federal judge recently overturned Maine law allowing the importation of less-expensive prescription drugs (the only state that allowed importations), LePage continues his pursuit of eliminating the state income tax (responsible for half the state’s revenue), LePage is determined to single-handedly prevent any sort of viable alternative energy project from succeeding in Maine, yada, yada, yada, but this is silliness is news.


Opponents of the seat belt repeal — including . . . several trauma surgeons . . .

Transplant surgeons, on the other hand . . .


“If you chose to put yourself in harm’s way, that’s one thing. … But
when the danger and harm extends to others, then that’s a different

If you aren’t wearing a seat belt in a crash, every other person is put in mortal danger by your body bouncing around the interior of the car.


Actually, maybe the Repubs can live with the seat belts if they require anyone wearing one to also carry a semi-automatic weapon. You know, just in case.

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I’d be all for this IF:

When you drive without a seatbelt and are in a crash, a) you won’t be transported to a hospital or ER unless you can show insurance or the ability to pay the ambulance bill; b) you won’t be treated in the ER or hospital unless you can show that you can pay the bills; c) if you are permanently disabled, you don’t get state benefits; d) if you die, your survivors won’t get state benefits.

As they used to say back in the 50’s, “Freedom is not free.”


Well…that and the fact that the Dems in Maine have nominated really bad candidates for governor two cycles in a row. We suffer from a leadership vacuum.

I hope it passes. Then Maine can be the organ transplant capitol of the US.

See, this is only a pro business idea!

And why our founding fathers revolted against King George. Have you ever seen a photo of George Washington on his horse enslaved by a seat belt? No!

As he fought at Yorktown the battle cry was “Slaves yes, seat belts no!”


I was already a habitual seat belt user when the first laws were passed. Why? A close encounter with a windshield that could have been a lot worse. In my youthful contrariness, I briefly considered not wearing a seat belt in protest at an intrusive law, but almost instantaneously realized that would be stupid beyond words, putting myself needlessly in harms’s way to state, in the final analysis, that I don’t belong in the gene pool .


That dumb ass Anti-Obamacare Sheriff who is now begging others for money is also anti-seat belt law. Behold the stupidity:

Why do we have seat belt laws?
If you think it’s because our government wants to keep us safe, think again.
We have seat belt laws simply because people with money wanted us to have seat belt laws. They lobbied for it, they pushed for it, and they eventually got it. And if you look closely, you’ll find that many other laws are on the books simply because insurance companies wanted them there.
Are seat belts a good thing? Sure. Statistics have shown us time and time again that properly worn seat belts reduce the chance of injury and save lives. But a law? Why a law? Because it saves the insurance companies money if we get hurt less, and it gives them a reason NOT to pay for injuries if seat belts are not worn.
I am proud to say that in my entire time serving as sheriff I never issued a seat belt citation, and neither did any of my deputies. We talked to the people about wearing seat belts; we encouraged them to be safe, especially where children were concerned. But we could not in clear conscience enforce a law which violated the personal freedoms of the people, and thereby the principles of the constitution!
I’m not saying that we should all refuse to wear seat belts. The issue is not whether or not it’s a good idea. The real danger here is that when we allow government to enforce these kinds of laws, we are surrendering our ability to think and act for ourselves.



Stopping at red lights and yielding to oncoming traffic also infringes my freedom to make personal decisions you stupid fuck.

I bet this shitbrained excrement has no problem infringing on women’s freedom to make personal decisions about their vajayjays.


I hope that fuck goes bankrupt, and then dies soon after.

Seatbelts have saved my life three times. I’m talking high speed, dead for sure without it.