Discussion for article #225621
Moral high ground, anyone?? Zionists?? Israel Apologists?
This is now about vengeance:
and genocide in the goal of a “greater Israel”
How many cease fires has Israel agreed to?
Hamas fired the first shots, they won’t stop shooting, this is on them.
Not really. If Israel is purposely targeting civilian hospitals, its on them.
Well, its their own fault for something or other…
Hamas fired the first shots, they won’t stop shooting, this is on them
The problem is, it’s not on Hamas. It’s on Gazans, who are 90% of the casualties. Hamas is happy to see Gaza die by fire, and Israel is happy to light the flames. Gazans continue to provide the kindling, and that is the tragedy. This probably ends in a third intifada, and the third intifada ends with a Palestinian state established by Israeli fiat without PA or international buy-in, leading to generations more of hatred and violence.
Don’t you feel the slightest bit of guilt for peddling this war that has resulted in the deaths of maybe 1000 or so innocent civilians so far?
Don’t you feel any compunction for shilling for an IDF which bombs hospitals?
Aren’t you the least bit bothered that Israel keeps Palestinians trapped in an open air prison?
If I remember correctly, this conflict started because of the three dead Israeli teenagers. Israel claimed they were killed by Hamas, but I don’t remember any evidence to prove that. Then, some Israelis killed a Palestinian teenager. Then the shooting began.
Hamas has very crude missiles that have killed no one. Israel has remotely controlled missiles, gunships, tanks, and other weapons supplied by the USA.
Gaza has been under seige since 2007 by the Israelis, who didn’t like the results of the election that put Hamas into power. There are ‘checkpoints’, manned by the Israelis, that prevent free travel anywhere outside of Gaza, they have no imports or exports because of the blockade. They have no ability to end the seige in any way.
How many of us would live under those conditions without some kind of effort to improve our lives?
Actually I think Abraham fired the first shot when he kicked Ishmael out of this tent.
THis HosPITal is WherE HaMMAs terroRISts hide THEir Al Quds-3 RocKEts whICH SUicIDe bomberS strap TO tHIer CHEsts WheN theY want TO bloW up ISraeLI buses ANd DiscOs, AnTI-SEmite LibrULS!!!11!!!one1!!!
Your continued defense of Israel’s actions become more unbelievable by the day:
No blood on his hands, someone else’s fault.
He’s just a pharisee.
At what point does this become genocide and war crimes?
Hamas’ fault.
Every time Israel fucks up, its automatically Hamas’ fault. Nothing is ever Israel’s fault. If you disagree, you’ll have scumbags like Lindsey Graham taking to the talk shows to tell you you’re antisemitic.
IsrAELis LIve In conSTant FEar tHAt they MIGht GEt BLOWN up by a ROcket. GAzaNS get BLOWN up EVERy DAY! The ANtICIPAtion OF HARm IS worse THAN acTUAL Harm, TerrORist APPEAser!!!1!1!1!!!one!!!1!1!!!
Israel is saying that these weren’t their rockets, it was actually Hamas’.
Also, Israel is now agreeing with Putin that the Ukrainian govt stocked a the plane full of dead bodies, before the Ukrainian govt shot down the plane.
Nothing focuses the world’s attention like bombing hospitals and UN safe zones.
At what point does did this become genocide and war crimes?
Hamas did NOT fire the first shots.
This started with the 3 Israelis that were killed by a group of people that were NOT Hamas, but Israel used that opportunity to attack Gaza. They knew that Hamas wasn’t involved. The police admitted it long ago.
Stop the bullshit lies.