Discussion for article #231433
I think Fox is going right up to the ¨Shouting-FIRE!-In-A-Crowded-Theatre¨ exception to the First Amendment. At the very least, it’s unconscionable.
They want a protestor to be sabotaged on live TV and questioned about every damn thing said or done in every protest. They don’t want to address why they made shit up to make it look worse.
They do want things to blow up it seems. It certainly would boost ratings.
So who again exactly is promoting dangerous rhetoric? And why exactly are they inviting her on to discuss the recent violence in New York?
They didn’t even admit they were wrong. This is a setup.
The f’in losers are going to make her look like a dirt bag. She should show up with her lawyer demanding to know why they edited her words!
It’s the neocon way.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own
reality. And while you’re  studying that reality — judiciously, as you
will — we’ll act again, creating other new  realities, which you can
study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s  actors .
. . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
And people still watch FOX.
Not getting the outrage you want? Simply manufacture it. It’s the conservative and Fox News way.
Just more of the usual “Fair and Balanced”.
Different American Day, same Fox Bullshit.
So my suggestion is, stop studying it. Ignore it and pay attention to our own agenda.
This is what “conservative” and their lying propagandist scum do.
Exactly, they’re trying to link police deaths with protesters in their viewers’ minds.
Honestly, isn’t there some sort of FCC violation going on here? Crikey, this is far worse than a wardrobe malfunction that caused such a hoopla among Fox viewers 10 years back.
There are little to no regulations for TV News regarding “truth”. Look at what NBC did, edited a tape to make it look like George Zimmerman said “he looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black”, when he said no such thing. Totally edited, just like this one. The entire media is a joke (FOX the worst, MSNBC a distant but definite second) and just puts on stuff that will create controversy and sell.
Great. Now I’m going to be arguing with nutjobs who will insist that the protesters all want to kill cops, and even if I can get them to actually watch the clip with their own eyes, at best they’ll insist that that’s besides the point because lots of other protesters really did want to kill cops. That’s the way biased people always work. You can debunk each and every one of their stories, yet they’ll continue to believe the greater truth proves they’re right, even if they can’t find any evidence to support it. They just have a general idea that it exists and that’s good enough for them.
You can’t put the toothpaste back into these sort of tubes.
Watch Fox Not the News either ignore this, throw the Baltimore affiliate under the bus for airing the fever dream they have been having since 2008 or howl that “the lamestream media does it too!”
And where’s Benghazi?
If not, there should be.
Perhaps if there was more laws against this type of behavior, it would curb this type of unethical action by these news teams.
Precisely…as I like to say it: you can’t put the shit back in the dog.*
That is 100% why they did it. It was deliberate and knowing and they fully and completely intended it to become a deeply embedded point of misinformation and a rallying cry for racist Amurikkka.
- Altho, sometimes the dog will do that for you by eating it.
This isn’t FoxNews.
This is an over-the-airwaves broadcaster with a license from the FCC.
This bunch of witless goons needs to be reported to the FCC with a request to revoke their broadcast license.
This kind of behavior should never be accepted and anyone who is willing to let it slide is complicit in the execrable behavior this represents.