Discussion: Lindsey Graham: My Time Working At A Bar Taught Me 'Iranians Are Liars' (VIDEO)

Liars in a pool hall? Well! I never!


If I were an Iranian-American I would be considering a lawsuit for defamation of character, Lindsey.

Okay, seriously – do these people get together every weekend, pick and choose who is going to say something really stupid, who is going to just make something up on the spot, who will sit quietly and take a breath that week, who will jump to the defense of whomever, etc.? Then they draw cards to determine the topics on which they will go off.

You know who I don’t trust? Self-hating, in the closet brown-nosers. You and your type cannot be trusted at all, Lindsey guy.

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Actually, one of the best Mexican joints I’ve ever eaten at was called the M&J Sanitary Tortilla Factory in Albuquerque. That was the name of the company that used to be located at that same space. Back during the '20s and '30s, a lot of places added the word “sanitary” to their name, particularly if other establishments of the same type had less-than-salubrious reputations.

Sadly, I heard the M&J closed down about ten years back. Very sad - the food was amazing.

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Generalize your bigotry much?

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You’re sounding like BillO there.

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Now that’s truly scary.

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I’m a liar and so I know one when I see one, I’m telling you the truth!

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and we learn that you are an asshole every time your lips move.

Not to get picky, but we should also have a Commander-in-Chief whose spoken dependent clause contains a singular subject, same as the singular noun “Commander-in-Chief” to which it refers.

Graham: “If I knew then what I know now, I still would have believed that Iranians were liars… but I would have known also that they make great carpets.”


Everything he knows about Greeks he learned in the steam room.

“Time to ratchet up the saber rattling and racist rhetoric…”

…And the stupid. The trifecta of learning from pool halls, Fox News, and the Southern Republican Leadership Conference is to learning as Billo is to Edward R. Murrow, Dan Rather or Walter Cronkite.

mx. lindsay is a pignorant palmetto bug

How could someone, who is supposed to be educated, say something so fucking dumb? When it comes to Republicans, it’s usually a laugh, so I don’t cry sorta thing. But, I can’t even pretend this is funny. This is just creepy, scary, stupid, dumb, and bat shit, all at once. Holy wow! I…

" in the pool room,"

The pocket pool room ,Missy ?

My time listening to Graham convinces me he is a liar in ballet shoes.

Lindsey, please let us know how many Iranians you had coming into the “pool room” in Podunk Central S. Carolina in the early 1970s?

If there were more than 2 where the hell did they live?

I call B.S. on this one, Lindsey is fibbing again.

How do I get the image of Lindsey with a cocktail waitress outfit out of my head? Maybe I can drink a bunch of Southern Comfort and vomit it out…

Q: how does mx. lindsay hold his likker
A: by his ears