Discussion: Lindsey Graham: My Time Working At A Bar Taught Me 'Iranians Are Liars' (VIDEO)

He was so upset that his next job was managing a Tea Room at the Antique Mall


I was going to say: With 2 pair of sterling salad tongs he lifted from one of SinSin McCain’s 7 houses while SinSin was away and Lindsey and John were in residence.

Show us on the dolly where that bad Iranian touched you, Lindsay.


Probably more like: Show us on the dolly where you touched the bad Iranian.

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A firing offense

Next time the Ds get 2/3 in the Senate, Graham should be expelled. It should be considered unacceptable for a US Senator to dismiss any ethnic group with words of contempt. Senators are absolutely not allowed to talk about one another in such terms. To allow this Senator to grind the face of the weak and powerless, a small ethnic minority that lacks the means to fight back by voting against him in his state in any numbers, is disgusting when the rules of the Senate protect his peers from such insult. Even if his state finds his behavior acceptable, and keeps returning him to the Senate, it is the US Senate, Graham serves all of us, and an ethnic insult delivered against any of us should be considered to be a firing offense.

Sure, we’re not likely to get 2/3 any time soon. But our Senators should still make an issue of it, stand up for the standard that ethnic slurs are a firing offense. Let those who disagree, who refuse to vote expulsion, or even to put expulsion up for a vote, disagree on the record. Make them stand up for the opposite idea, that it is acceptable to question the integrity of a whole group of Americans based on their birth and heritage.

I can absolutely guarantee that our side will never get to 2/3, and probably not to even 1/2, until and unless we start stranding for something, even in cases such as a move to expel Graham, where the only practical result would be to force the other side to stand up for their vicious and stupid ideas.

Seeing the world through the lens of graham is a truly frightening proposition.

“Oh Al, I’ve never…”
“I promise Lindsey, I’ll only put the tip in and it won’t hurt”