Discussion: Lindsey Graham: My Time Working At A Bar Taught Me 'Iranians Are Liars' (VIDEO)

I also thought that seemed a rather odd way of describing a regular bar. I really don’t see Graham tending a poolside Tikki bar or a Hell’s Angels roadside poolroom. And you wouldn’t catch a Muslim ever inside any place that serves liquor. Who does Ms. Graham think he’s fooling?

The name of his restaurant/bar/pool hall?

Sanitary Cafe

Calling Dr. Freud!

They don’t drink liquor. Lindsey is lying in the same way that he ran that poolroom.

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Quick, call the whole thing off. Lindsey Graham talked to some Iranians in a bar when he was seventeen.

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On the other hand…patrons at “Leather & Lace” say old “Ham Biscuit” from SC was a FAB bartender:


My time reading your b/s and seeing your face flapping your gums on every single Sunday pol show, has taught me YOU are the liar!

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!!![quote=“sandyh, post:18, topic:20825, full:true”]
Ran a room of liars? I didn’t know he ever was the GOP Senate floor leader.


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I am almost literally ROFLOL

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Interesting that the Republican clowns are all wearing the same make-up, they just present it with different faces. If they indeed are on a train, a train under control of the Marx Brothers comes to mind. Who remembers the train where they chopped up the cars for firewood for the steam engine. When it arrived at it’s destination it was unfit for service. I can envision the Republican Clown Train arriving in Cleveland in similar condition!

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Marcus Bachmann is so moist right now.


My Time Working At A Bar Taught Me ‘Iranians Are Liars’

And, my dear sir, vice versa.

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We are the laughing stock for the whole planet! If only ODS and teapublicuntism was quickly fatal

“They want a master religion for the world.” And as everyone knows, only goddamned terrorists want one ‘master’ religion for the world to the exclusion of all others.

My time working in Washington taught me ‘Republicans Are Liars’.

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And racists! “All Republicans are racists” is at least as accurate as what Graham is asserting.

Anecdotal, Linds ought to look that one up.
I’m sure all of the other people that he has interacted with have been absolute puritans.
The fact that he is in the deception Party belies that, but challenging his bullshit wasn’t part of his plan I’m sure.

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Several people here think he said he saw Iranians in a bar telling lies. That’s not what he said. He said he learned to recognize liars working in a pool room, so he’s an expert lie detector who can tell that all Iranians are liars. Ignorant, yes, but he didn’t allege that Muslims were drinking in a bar.

What interests me most, aside from his stellar introduction to foreign policy from watching the drunks at the pool hall spout whatever BS they spouted, is that a good Baptist boy was anywhere near a bar with a pool table – I thought the alcohol and the shady game of pool were something to be avoided if you didn’t want to go straight to hell. I know my late Baptist grandmother would have whipped him with a switch if she’d caught him even peeking into a place like that. Where were the parents that were supposed to teach him right from wrong?

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Hmmm. Didn’t seem to help him spot “Curve Ball” as a big-time liar, or to suss out any of the other deceptions that led to the US invading Iraq in 2003.


““Next time you vote for President of the United States,” Graham said on
Friday, “make sure that you’re voting for a commander-in-chief that
knows what the hell they’re doing.””

Well that eliminates you, Lindsey. You would get us into a civilization ending war just to prove you had a set.
And by the way Lindsey, you are a politician which axiomatically means you are a liar and a cheat.

Substitute “Republicans” for “Iranians” and every one of his statements is 100% correct.