Discussion: Lindsey Graham: My Time Working At A Bar Taught Me 'Iranians Are Liars' (VIDEO)

Valiant way to score a spot in the upcoming Republican candidate debates. That was my snarky response. Seriously, it is absolutely pathetic, unseemly, and grotesque…

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It is amazing, isn’t it?

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When Graham talks tough, it brings this image to my mind:


“The Iranians cheat and they lie. They are a radical regime," he said. “They want a master religion for the world; the Nazis wanted a master race.”

Some folks thought the Iranians were just playing pool and trying to hustle a few bucks… but Lindsey caught on to their lies. Right there in Lindsey’s pool room, beneath all the subterfuge of pool hustling, was a secret plan to institute a master world religion. Thank God Lindsey rose to the level of Senator to save us all from the dastardly Iranian pool hall plot that he witnessed.


Truly the Republican clown train has just left the tracks.
And we have still have 17 months to go.

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I sympathize with Lindsey, I’ve known people to appear and sound mentally imbalanced if they’ve quit taking their Estrogen prescription.


The sheer ignorance and bigotry on display here would be shocking, if it were not a leading light of the GOP saying it. How nice it must be to live in your own reality, Lindsey…now GTFO. No one with half a brain is listening to your lies and generalizations. I want to be a donut right now that this idiot will never see the nomination, let alone the Oval Office. Playing to the base, missy.

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…and we know that the vast majority of the Iranians in the USA live in South Carolina and go to pool hall/bars. How could anyone get the wrong impression on the character of a whole ethnic group from the observation of a young man who had such extensive experience in his bar with the largely non-drinking Muslim population of the world?

The only conclusion that can be drawn from the is that Lindsey is an ignorant bigot.

He is banking on the GOP-friendly media to cover his tantrum. Of course they will gleefully oblige. Chuck Todd probably is calling at this moment.

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Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly are stomping their feet in Ailes office right now demanding dibs.


I’d like to make a generalization about Iranians too. Based on photos and videos seen over the years, I’m convinced they are one of the handsomest nationalities, with occasional exceptions, i.e. Ahmadinejad.


Bless his heart

Lindsey trying SO hard to get in touch with his inner male…


“Next time you vote for President of the United States,” Graham said on Friday, “make sure that you’re voting for a commander-in-chief that knows what the hell she’s doing.”



My time as a liberal has taught me that GOP clowns like Lindsey
Graham are dangerously bellicose and not the least bit comedic.


I feel the same way about Senators.

“Bar” is code for “bath house.”


LOL. Did Ms. Lindsay get rebuffed by some Omar Sharif-looking Iranian stud?


“It is unknowable how long that conflict [the war in Iraq] will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.” -in Feb. 2003

Wow, I had no idea that Donald Rumsfeld was Iranian.


He and Boehner must get together often and reminisce about how grand it was to barkeeps in their youth? And since when did they start calling gay bathhouses a poolroom?


Bigoted Southerner says what?

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