Be my guest.
Al Gore tried to make it a matter of science. It’s quite rich that Graham belongs to a political party that has made climate change a matter of religion and politics in the worst sense of both words.
And Tweedle Dee (e.g. Rand Paul, the shape-shift talker with the malleable libertarian twaddle) is joined by Tweedle Dum (e.g. Lindsey Graham, who, even though he blames Gore, offers that “man has contributed” to Climate Change)…
All while doing the other things necessary to keep the Base happy.
But it’s the Tweedles which are designed to fool as many Independents as possible.
I’m old enough to remember when conservatives stood (or claimed to) for the hard, uncomfortable facts, whether anyone liked it or not, and accused liberals of being squishy types who believed what made them feel good.
…and that Lindsey is one of the most, if not the most blast blasphemous and stupid thing to come out of anyone’s mouth in my very long lifetime.
You Mr. Graham are an idiot.
I’ll do you one better.
I remember a time when actual conservatives were supportive of conservation policies. Oregon’s rich land-use and environmental protection laws where championed and passed by Republicans in this state back in the day.
Those days of course are long gone, and we are left with a zealot party of dogmatic luddites who reject science, and conservation in favor of political pandering and legalized graft from the fossil-fuel extraction industry.
Oh how I wish for a sane and loyal opposition party.
I predict there will be plenty of religion for it found when the water reaches the armpits of everyone living on a coast.
Yeah, if he hadn’t sighed loudly at the debates with Bush, we’d all be on our way to sustainable energy and reversing global warming. But now we missed the boat. Damn him for being so PASSIONATE about it; he should have sugar-coated it in a Reaganesque Morning in America way.
Made more powerful, operationally, by:
(a) FOX
(b) the MSM
Most people here have not weighed in on the most damaging of the two. For me, the damage ratio is 15-85.
Fifteen Percent FOX
Eighty-Five Percent MSM
“I think the Republican Party has to do some soul-searching. Before we can be bipartisan, we’ve got to figure out where we are as a party. What is the environmental platform of the Republican Party? I don’t know, either, he said.”
Your party’s environmental platform is to deny climate change, and force the false narrative that Al Gore has turned it into a “religion” - whatever the hell that means.
I give him credit for acknowledging the issue, but following up with a weak “herp derp Al Gore” comment is just pathetic.
“[M]y point is, God’s still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous,” Sen. James Inhofe said in a 2012 address given to a Voice of Christian Youth America radio program.
James Inhofe, not Al Gore.
Lindsey Graham’s doublespeak is of Groucho Marx quality.
Could have left the headline at “Lindsey Graham Blames…”
Would have covered just about anything that flowed from his lamebrain these days…and its only Tuesday.
The guy is so worried about the economy. Hey Lindsey…without a planet, there is no fucking economy.
Thanks Gore
That’s like blaming the dead canary for the toxic air in the coal mine.
I agree its not just Faux Entertainment. Its mostly been the MSM who have done the lion’s share of damage in not reporting the truth, with the real world effects of climate change on the planet for decades now. All those companies trade shares on Wall Street, which means they too can’t be bothered with upsetting anyone’s applecart or private sense of entitlement. Not to mention, the main ad revenue they get is from the fossil fuel industry. Soooo…no conflict of interest there.
The MSM treats this issue and everyone that believes its a problem like a bunch of lemmings. They haven’t fooled anyone but themselves and the few wingnuts that encourage them to stay mum on the topic. Its a damn pity too.
That’s what a wife/child beater always says; “They made me beat them!”
Oh, the stupidity that emanates from this particular piehole. Seriously, IQ’s drop by 20 points around a 5 mile radius of Lindsay Graham.