Well, the Gummy Bears position seems quite reasonable to me. Of course, that just may be my knee-jerk reaction due to the Little Debbies Debacle back in third grade…
Perhaps the Party of Personal Irresponsibility?
it’s an economic, it is an environmental problem.
That is EXACTLY the point Al Gore made, but Sen. Graham, you, the conservatives and the media made it all about “personality” because you never have been and still aren’t serious about governing and about making this world a safe place for those that come after you.
This is hedging.
Crackers may have all of the faults we have chronicled here at length, but, for many Repubicans, Graham is a “moderate”.
What this absurd-on-its-face “declaration” of Al Gore’s culpability for the GOP’s inaction on Climate Change means is that some Goppers are aware of the realities of Climate Change.
While these realities will not penetrate the FOX base, which will gladly breathe water if told by the Base to do so, they may hit the so-called “Independent” (read: embarrassed-to-call-themselves-Republican) voters that The Party needs (just in case the Machines don’t count the right way).
Nothing truer spoken. Thank you.
Republicans are very selfish and irresponsible if Mr. Graham is to be taken at his word here.
What is the environmental platform of the Republican Party? I don’t know, either," he said.
That line should be repeated ad nauseum to anyone under the age of 50. The GOP has had 30 years to develop a platform on the environment, and they still don’t have one. It speaks to exactly how the GOP likes to govern…they don’t govern.
Expecting substantive policy discussion, from the farrago that is the GOP, on any issue of national concern, is like expecting a bunch of cabbages on a grocery shelf to sing the sextet from Lucia di Lammermoor.
Lindsey blames the messenger so the GOP can keep fiddlin’ while coastal areas sink into the sea.
yeah … and it is my neighbor’s fault that I have not gotten around to fixing my deck!
Al Gore is at the root of the GOP’s inability to confront Climate Change in precisely the same way that Scrooge McDuck is responsible for the One Percenters’ money-mad ways: can they help it they just want enough to fill their swimming pools with cash?
TL;DR: “A prominent liberal made it his life’s work after retiring from politics, so I have to oppose it and hate it and criticize it and make a mess of it all or I’ll be excoriated by my base.”
“I’d like to have a debate within the party. Can you say that climate change is a scientifically sound phenomenon? But can you reject the idea you have to destroy the economy to solve the problem, is sort of where I’ll be taking this debate,”
Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “I very much want this to be caged in terms of a false choice between the apocalypse and armageddon.”
BS! The Cokes (sp) are to blame. They pay GOPpers to stick their heads up their base.
I can’t believe you’re bringing that up! If you’re going to take a pro Little Debbie’s stance, then I’m pro-Entemann’s.
Please don’t be holding your breath waiting for results…
Whyah that terrible, terrible, cad, Mr. Gore. He went and told little old me that he didn’t give a damn about mah opinion on the climate. He told me I was wrong. And so, I had a case of the vapuhs. I went home and tried to kick the housemaid and I missed and broke my toe on the Queen Anne table. And it’s all Mr. Gore’s fault. And him a gentleman from Tennessee and all.
May I use?
The rule of thumb for potential GOP presidential primary candidates is to always blame the smart guy, the guy who would shun knee jerk decisions while considering both intended and unintended consequences of executive acts. Be it action to avert global climate catastrophe or non action to prevent unnecessary war, Gore was way too smart for Lindsey’s electorate.
Yes. Clearly it’s Al Gore’s fault Republicans believe science is opinion. Not the vast sums expended by one Republican-aligned industry after another attempting to evade responsibility for the harm their products or processes have caused. Not half a century of right wingers sending their kids to “Christian” schools that don’t even pretend to comply with guidelines that aren’t enforced by state education officials so they won’t learn about sacrilegious ideas like evolution and the Big Bang and contraception. Not the open corruption of our increasingly oligarchical political system. No, obviously, this is all Al Gore’s fault for talking about the problem.
I believe we have achieved Peak Lindsey.
Oh yeah, they’re totally changing course.
Ah yes, the Republican brand of Presonal Responsibility™ = blame the liberals or Democrats for your own failings.