What rock did he crawl out from under?
So he’s at least as delusional as his boss.
Go on, Corey, name me one deal he’s closed in the past six months. Seriously. Just one.
Of course, it goes without saying that I don’t mean deals with Russia and Uncle Vlad. Because we all know who actually closed those…
Ya, Corey - he’s a deal maker. You know more than 2/3 of Americans are starting to snicker when people say that about Trump. And that he’s smart? Great to make a deal that 1 in 4 Americans supports and 3 in 4 do not. Real Brainiacs there in the WH.
Doing his best to get into Priebus’ seat…
Kory sez: At least on my planet.
A blast from the past when we were trying to pass Obamacare
They are all still from the same planet
I read “Cory Lew…” and I move on.
Face palm
Yup, and I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn and some waterfront land in Florida I’d be happy to sell you at a real good price.
Corey Lewandowski: The Sycophants’ Sycophant On Parade Again.
Waterfront land in Florida? You mean like Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev did when he paid twice what Trump’s Palm Beach mansion was worth?
Say, can anyone ID the other flag on that lapel pin?
How much you wanna bet Mueller & Co are going to go back and look at that one a little closer again?
Say …don’t you have an interview with a congressional committee you should be preparing for?
No, Corey. He’s really not.
Hey, he did talk the kitchen to giving him 2 scoops of ice cream.
That’s got to count for something - everyone else only gets 1.*
(*This discounts the possibility that kitchen staff said, “Oh, FFS. Give him another scoop or something, maybe he’ll stop griping.”)
Did McCain say when he is returning?