Strip-joint bouncer says what now?
Ooooh, good catch. Looks like the Polish flag:
Hope they’re serving him full fat ice cream – clog those arteries even faster.
That at least makes some sense.
Oooh. Sorry. Wrong curtain.
Don’t bogart that joint, my friend.
[wipes tears from eyes]
@lizzymom I don’t believe it, but Bossie as CoS would really accelerate the removal from office process.
Would Mr. Lewandowski care to bet me twenty bucks on it?
My source is I want my wallet to be a little fatter.
And what was he smoking under there?
And the fact that Rybolovlev’s plane seemed to have a strange habit of being at the very same airports in North Carolina And Nevada at the very same time as Air Trump?
If you consider what the proto-fascist minority party in control of Poland’s government is doing to consolidate its power, it makes perfect sense that a loyal Trumper thug would be wearing a Polish flag pin.
More like a Pissant.
And next up in the batters box of GOP fools, ghouls, and tools:
Katrina Pierson
Very good point - I was going largely on his ancestry.
It’s heritage - and hate!
'My source is I know the president."
So do we, motherfucker. So do we.
Corey Lewandowski. On FoxNews. Well, I guess we couldn’t argue with the veracity of any of that.
You beat me to it!
I wonder if Trump has dirt (supplied by Putin?) on a half dozen R Senators and if this is his last-ditch attempt to force them back into the Yes Column.
Of course, this would put Trump even deeper into Putin’s power, but hey- a win is a win.
Are they stupid enough to do that?
Yup, they are.
Is that current waterfront or 20 years down the road of climate denying waterfront?