That’s fine, but what does Jesse Ventura think?
To have this crazy fucker say Trump is acting too crazy… well… that is bigly indeed.
LePage is still waiting for Comrade Coir Coif to “pivot,” to “mature.”
LePage is still completely clueless. He should have known something was askew when his “bariatric surgery” (wink wink, nudge nudge) was performed gratis by a neurosurgeon.
“We got to tell him that the TV show’s over and he’s gotta move on now.”
LaPage is eager for Trump get on with the important business of naming his horse as a senator.
(And, really, aren’t we pretty much just one press conference away from that?)
Christ. When Paul LePage is the voice of reason…
All I can say is that LePage has “a rich inner life.”
When you’ve even lost Paul LePage, you’re stomping your own dick to a bloody pulp. No more President PeePee.
There is only one reasonable explanation…we’ve been transported to a parallel Earth where everything is ass backwards. Where the free press is the enemy, a racist tries to sound and act as the voice of reason, and an oversized oompa loompa is POTUS.
When this loon sounds sane, then the Earth might be off its axis.
I’m making a liquor store run.
everything is ass backwards.
Hell, when I came of voting age in 1972, we all regarded the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies as agents of an oppressive Nixonian/authoritarian mindset, and the Republicans were fanatically anti-Russian. Now the Republicans in power are fondling themselves over the prospect of closer relations with Russia, and we’re hoping the IC will help get rid of the authoritarian in the White House.
It’s Bizarro World in DC Comics.
amateur…I have had a flask with me at all times since 11-8.
Get your flagging fingers ready. Beej has just regained consciousness and is knitting new socks. “dbev” being the latest.
This gets more surreal by the moment.
Man… getting dissed byt LePage… that should really burn.
Bannon livid with Breitbart. LePage schooling Trump.
What a great week.
Or maybe at Spicer’s next press briefing he will announce: “The President has undergone a metamorphosis. He has become…a God.”
Oh, please, Mr. LePage. It’s because of dolts like you that a New Yorker like Shifty D-Money made it to the White House in the first place.
When you’ve lost LePage, you’ve lost a real jackass.