Yes, “when LePage is the voice of reason…” defines perfectly the dire situation were are in.
Too cray cray for Governor Le Petomaine? That’s remarkable.
And, holy cow, I just noticed for the first time that Mel Brooks named Governor William J. Le Petomane
after Le Pétomane, the Fartiste.
Was this the same surgery that Chris Christie had?
Got it. Thanks.
LePage as the voice of reason? We really are in Alice’s Wonderland.
Except with LePage, they had to use an innertube for the gastric band.
@irasdad–Well, he has already named a number of horse’s asses to his cabinet. Seems like a plausible next step to me.
@antisachetdethe–I see he has been banned until 2290. That should keep him off here–Until his next sock puppet iteration.
This guy either needs to get a smaller head, or a bigger rug.
In February 2013, Christie had Lap-Band surgery.
I see what you did there–and it was funny!
Shockingly, a new and improved “dbev33” is already up and running since “dbev” got the chop…
CBS just reported that replacement for Flynn has withdrawn. That man wouldn’t remove undesireables from NSC.
That one has been a sleeper since March of 2016. Good catch.
Seriously? And by undesireables, do you mean leakers and whistleblowers?

(And, really, aren’t we pretty much just one press conference away from that?)
I agree with the SanE governor of MaiNe. However, TruMp nEeds to MasTer gettiNg a blacK to arrangE his Black meetinGs first beFore the hoRse thinG
He wanted Bannon removed
So, by undesireables, you really meant scumbags.
Chip Reid demolishing that man’s claims of having accomplished “more than any other President in history” and with “having been given a mess.”