Discussion for article #246149
"And what happens is you get hepatitis C, tuberculosis, AIDS, HIV, the
'ziki fly,’ (sic) all these other foreign type of diseases that find a
way to our land,”
He went on to hop onto his desk and scream, “They are after our precious bodily fluids! It’s just like invasion of the body snatchers!”
Edit to the above: There is no way LePage could hop up on anything.
He’s a charmer, that’s fer sure…
Is LePage a Chris Farley character?
Because Maine in February is very hospitable to tropical mosquitos…
Wait! That’s it! Mosque – mosqu-itos! It means little flying mosques! It’s all so clear now!
He’s like your crazy right-wing uncle, except that he can actually call a press conference and have people show up, as opposed to preaching to an audience of duck decoys in the den.
I’ve always wanted to go to Maine. I’ve always held it up to be something it’s apparently not, I’m sure. But really? What a freaking embarrassment. What’s the deal Mainers?
Didn’t think you could make up someone like LePage. Although I heard the lab that was trying threw out all the specimens—and one got loose.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you—microcephaly!
Fat fucking moron speaks…film at 11.
I live in Maine.Our Lawmakers are wimps who would not impeach this assbag.He is emotionally ill.He is embarrassing our State.
I would Boycott us and not come here and tourist until this foul man and his Admin are history.
And I didn’t think it was possible to be more embarrassing than Donald Trump.
Too many Democrats try to run against him at the same time. They get stuck shoulder to shoulder in the doorway, and LePage slips past through the window (falling on his head in the process).
VP material!
Can’t Jessica Fletcher shut this dude up?
As if the blackflies weren’t enough. Now this. What’s next, giant worms? Somebody get Kevin Bacon on the phone.
Oh the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Have a terrible, horrible buzz
But the bees in the breeze and the bats in the trees
Couldn’t do what the jitter bug does.
So just be careful of that rascal
keep away from
The Jitterbug!
A ziki fly. Now I’ve officially heard it all.
Come on now-what do you have against Chris Farley characters!
I assume there’s a pet lobster somewhere in the state that could do better than this lunatic. Probably a pet rock, too.