That’s the thing that hits me here…When precisely did Maine become such a huge magnet for tourism and immigration?? Isn’t it largely rural and under populated for a reason??
Hell,Massachusetts didn’t even put up much of a struggle in 1819 in letting it go.
With the exception of Zeka all of those diseases exist in the US already. HIV/AIDs since the late 70’s, hepatitis C for longer than that and TB has been in every human culture for ages. He is just fear mongering.
It takes the courage born of ignorance to make a statement like that . It would be interesting from an entertainment standpoint , if this guy was a right wing talk show host and not the Governor of a state .
Can you imagine how our media would report on this if it were some other country? “In another example of how Etasuni has become dangerously unstable, LePage, governor of the backward, impoverished Maine province called for action against asylum seekers… The UN security council is once again debating the creation of a multilateral peacekeeping force to oversee the failed government of this large, mineral-rich but perennially strifetorn nation…”
hey, i hate those darn ziki flies, too. the little fuckers drive me batshit…;… mosquitoes you say? hey, i hate mosquitoes, too. those little fuckers drive me batshit.
Hey, you can’t expect the Governor of Maine to be familiar with mosquitoes.
For example, the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry tells us:
Mosquitoes are widely distributed and familiar to us all. Although there are roughly 40 species in Maine, slightly less than half are considered biting pests of humans. In spite of this, one of the most common of all complaints from people trying to enjoy the outdoors during the spring and summer months concerns the annoyance caused by the often enormous populations of these small, slender, long-legged flies and the bites they inflict.
This criticism of LePage for not having all the world’s trivia at hand is terribly unfair. People have been imperfect since the very first orbit of the Sun around the Earth.
LePages stupidity is painful for us in the other 49 states, but I can’t imagine the embarrassment and disgust sane, thoughtful Mainers living under this oaf’s shadow of ignorance must feel. Best of luck replacing him!