Discussion: LePage: People Of Color ‘The Enemy,’ Okay To Racially Profile In War On Drugs

Back in 1983 my wife and I vacationed in Maine, primarily to visit Acadia NP, and we also went out to Isle Au Haut. At one point during our time there we got a bit lost and ended up driving down a gravel road in a very rural isolated area. We came upon an old farmer walking down the middle of the road wearing only overalls and carrying a shotgun. He had a strange, hollow look in his eyes as he silently looked suspiciously at our car—and our Michigan license plates—which creeped us out big time. We continued past him and not a hundred yards down the road we came upon an old barn close to the road. As we drove past it we saw the side of it was literally covered from ground to roof with license plates of what seemed like every other state in the union.

I immediately looked in the rear view mirror and saw that old guy with the shotgun steadily trudging down the road in our direction. I floored it and we got the hell out of there. My wife and I have wondered to this day whether there were dozens of old cars sunk in a pond in the overgrown back reaches of his property. It’s like the plot of a Stephen King novel.

There’s no doubt that old farmer would be a big supporter of LePage if he was still alive.

We’ve never been back.


When you go to war, if you know the enemy, the enemy dresses in red and you dress in blue, you shoot at red, don’t you?

“Dresses in” a color is a voluntary act. Being born with a certain color skin isn’t.

Not only are is he totally wrong about is premise on who deals drugs, his basic argument makes the opposite point.

Note to self: Stop beating head against wall. They will never make any sense.

From this time forward the Govenor should be referred to only as “The Racist Governor of Main.”

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Looks like they are LePage’s family.

Oh come on, you know those pitiful whites are helpless in the face of the brown-skinned hordes.

Pardon me but I’m confused, is this guy the governor of Maine or the sheriff of Maricopa county? I’m having a deju feeling.

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This is not new. He had his legal team look into the possibility of hanging state legislators after meeting with a sovereign citizens’ group (several times). They did their due diligence and informed him that he doesn’t have a legal avenue for lynching Democrats, at which he undoubtedly grumbled and flapped his jowls, Boss Nass-style.

As far as I know he has only ever lamented the laws preventing him from killing people he doesn’t like, which is rather shrewd of him and suggests that he is not insane. He’s just an asshole.

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Hey, governor buffoon, people of color are not the enemy. They’re a component of your constituency, the people who you serve.

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According to a USA today study in 2014, Bangor, Portland, and Lewiston, “arrest black people (vs white) at rates even more skewed than in Ferguson, MO”. Yet Maine is 95% white. Most crimes in Maine are committed by white people. Nationally speaking, according to FBI statistics, 66% of all drug related crimes are committed by white people vs 33 % committed by people of color.

Why is this man in charge? He does not even see the facts for what they are?

From this year: http://bangordailynews.com/slideshow/24-arrested-on-drug-charges-in-lewiston-area/;

I am sure the Gov. gets better data than google, but my short google search produced many more white folks who have been arrested than african americans. All of these are from within a year of today. Surely his “95%” is just bigotry hiding behind crappy hyperbolic statistics out of the mouth of the Maine GOP Gov.

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He seems nice.

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Ya think maybe he chooses to only put the colored people into his binder?

The white druggies get manila folders.

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We should arrest Bad Guys
See, we arrested a lot of Colored People
Therefor, Bad Guys = Colored People
Ergo, we should arrest Colored People
See, we arrested a lot of Colored People
Therefore, Bad Guys = Colored People

I’ve asked before, why is this disgusting bigot still in office? So glad I don’t live in Maine. (We have enough problems with a criminal in office in Albany, but at least he has some manners.)

Obviously this guy is a mental case (although not as bad as Trump) whom the Maine legislature should remove from office.

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